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Save-Point - Screenshot Requests


Full Version: Screenshot Requests
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I'm not typically the kind of person who asks for help when it comes to scripting.  I've been coding myself for about 6 years now.  However, there are several things I would like to do regarding screensaver scripts:

First of all, this script here, by HIME:

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That script has the ability to take a 'mapshot'.  That is, it can produce a PNG file of the map your on with the click of a button.  I have tried a number of times to get the script to work in VX.  But I've been unsuccessful.  So, I would like to see if maybe someone here can make the script compatible with VX.

Secondly, I would like to see if someone knows of a script, or can write a script that is able to take a 'screenshot' of a particular area of the screen.  In other words, I would call something like 'rectshot(x, y, width, height, directory) and the system would produce a PNG file from the area of the rectangle given by the dimensions.  Also, it would save in the directory that is listed as the 'directory' argument.

If you can assist in either of these script requests, I'd appreciate it.  

Thanks in advance.