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Save-Point - Help window durnig battle RTAB


Full Version: Help window durnig battle RTAB
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Hello friends :)
I have small but annoying problem with help window during battle.
I'm using RTAB battle system. It looks like that:
At the beggining everything is ok. When im chosing to attack and pick a monster we can see help window.

[Image: image.png]

but after i cancel...

[Image: image.png]

and pick same monster again there is no help window :(

[Image: image.png]

Can anyone know some solution?

There is also second thing. I don't like that help window doesn't fit screen (its not 640px W) or at least it could be in top middle screen not stict to the left side. Can i do something with that too?

Gruß, Greetings :)
I'm not all that thrilled with your Help Window either.   Mainly because RTAB's help window does have a 640 width.  As such, there are two possibilities:  (1) You have an edit of RTAB that may be defective, or (2) you have a script that alters the Help window itself.  The second is usually the answer, but it doesn't explain why it doesn't return your help window  when you choose another battle option. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=677]

The above image is a screenshot from my demo.  It is one that I host, which you can download in the forum.  I have my own RTAB thread (right HERE) which also has older copies of RTAB going down to version 1.12... both original Japanese and ones I personally translated into English.  The demo itself uses version 1.16.

Yeah, the battlewindow itself looks odd with the slanted bars and stuff.  There are other scripts within you may enjoy like my Animated Battlers sideview adaption system, or a few other scripts by Cogwheel

I know that demo very good, and most of the scripst also. Im using half of them :) One of best things i ever found :) I dont like sideview so i'm not using it.
Anyway, thank you DerVVulfman  for answer. I will dig some more in scripts, maybe i'll find solution :)

PS I've found guilty script but i dont know how to fix it. Any sugestions?

class Game_System
 alias init_es_later initialize
 def initialize
   @ENEMY_STATUS = true
   attr_accessor :ENEMY_STATUS
class Window_Help
 alias set_enemy_status_later set_enemy
 def set_enemy(enemy)
   $game_system.ENEMY_STATUS ? set_actor(enemy) : set_enemy_status_later(enemy)