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Save-Point - World Map with Modes and Mouse Support


Full Version: World Map with Modes and Mouse Support
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(moved this from code support)

Hello. I need an AWESOME World Map Fast Travel System. Much like what you see in the latest incarnations from MV except I have a small problem. Here's the hottest MB scripts, and I'll show you what I'm talking about...

Mr. Trivel's Map Node Travel System - Posted Here....

What I like about this:
Mouse-clickable nodes that can be unlocked or locked depending on things like items, quests, whatever, so you can only click on what's been unlocked.

What I don't like about this:
Map does not scroll
Only one map to work with

Moghunter's Fast Map Node Travel Plugins - Posted Here...

What I like about this:
Scrolling Map! YES! I can have a huge map now!

What i don't like about this:
While menus are nice, I want the scrolling map WITH nodes that can be clicked.

Here's my pickle...

No World Map System for RMXP that I've seen thus far use nodes outside an actual map, or scroll in anything other than the cardinal directions. I've already seen the one that appears to allow for a scrollable map but it is not mouse driven and only allows to waypoint travel, not directly travel.

Anyone got an idea of a script already put together that has all of these functions, or is ready to undertake the idea?

Perfect Idea would be like the Oblivion Fast Travel System, where nodes can be unlocked depending on if they're known or not, and the icons can be changed to (visited, cleared, active quest)

What may also be good is to stop menu access, and then use the right click button on mouse to "drag" map to different positions.

# Node travel - clickable mouse points
# Scrolling map either by centering map around nodes clicked or by just scrolling when mouse reaches edge of screen.
# Ability to create multiple maps so that nodes unlocked might be for map A (overworld, Era 1000AD,etc.) , not map B(underground, Era 600AD, etc)