
Full Version: Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom AKA Wizardry FM enemy collection for RMXP
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The entire bestiary of a Japan only FM Towns game called Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom to be used in RMXP. Some examples:

(In order of appearance: King Cobra, Cacodemon, Joker of Death, Cuasimodo and Murphy's Ghost)


Credit goes to Boltac's Trading Post from providing me with the monsters pics.

Administration Notice:
Ownership of Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom (© 1988) and the Wizardry line by Sir-tech Software, Inc, current publication by Interplay. Credit goes towards Robert J. Woodhead, Andrew Greenberg, Inc. and Sir-tech Software, Inc. Not for commercial use. Videos produced for online services such as Youtube may be pulled for copyright infractions.
Due to the nature of this resource, and the source material, an Administration Notice has been added.

Due to the nature, end-users must be aware that these resources can not be used for commercial projects. And just as Youtube had pulled videos using Ragnarok Online Ripped graphics, the chances are videos using Sir-tech graphics such as these would be pulled.