
Full Version: Map as Background in menus
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I found a neat little Menu Scene script that uses the map as background. I want to show the background on every other menu. I'm using the standard RMXP scenes for Item, Equip, and Status. I really don't want anything flashy, just something simple and that works... Is there a way I can edit these, the original scene scripts, to make the map as the background? And how?

Look at the script that is showing the background map. In the 'main' module, you should have something like:
@spriteset =
at the top which snags the image of your map, and at the bottom of the 'main' module, you will have something like:
to get rid of it when you exit the menu.

But you're not TOTALLY done yet. You need to make the @spriteset update, so just add
into your 'update' method.

Don't forget to make your windows semi-translucent so the map shows through. Just work with transparency options. The XaiL system I recreated, the Moghunter Menus and a few others can showcase this.
Doing it now! I suck at scripting! I set the window opacity to 160 since it's the opacity that the menu script shows.