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Save-Point - Some sort of Request board


Full Version: Some sort of Request board
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During development of Memorie I ran into about a couple stags. But I'll focus at one stag at a time. Right now, and this will apply to the area 99 project which I'm developing too, I'm focusing on the Request Board in the project(s) that are in development right now.


Normally I had a common event planned, but it'll go through even the ones that are completed so that's pretty much out of the water. So I'm needing some sort of script for something like this, along with an optional level restriction that works with the board too.
Laughing When I first saw the title of the post, I thought you were requesting that Save-Point create a request board for scripts! ROFL!

So you're looking for a bulletin board or 'Help Wanted' cork board of sorts. Got any ideas how you want the screen to appear, how it works, or if there is a screen?

Also, will it have annoying "Car for Sale. Call 555-1234" and "Roommate wanted SWF!" tags? Laughing + Tongue sticking out
(03-08-2017, 04:13 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Laughing When I first saw the title of the post, I thought you were requesting that Save-Point create a request board for scripts!   ROFL!  

So you're looking for a bulletin board or 'Help Wanted' cork board of sorts.  Got any ideas how you want the screen to appear, how it works, or if there is a screen?  

Also, will it have annoying "Car for Sale. Call 555-1234" and "Roommate wanted SWF!" tags?  Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Something like that. Yeah, though I have no idea on how I want the screen to appear. As for the annoying "Car for Sale. Call 555-1234", etc. Sure. It'd be more real life-like if that was in there.
Hmm... It's probably been the allotted time to bump by now. So....

I'm going to bump this.
Mechanics on how it works? Is this a form of menu? Do things suddenly appear or go dark or vanish? How many per page. Is this a single screen we zoom into (like the main menu) or is it a window that appears over the field map that works?

A mock-up or render would help in design.
(03-16-2017, 08:19 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Mechanics on how it works?  Is this a form of menu?  Do things suddenly appear or go dark or vanish?  How many per page.  Is this a single screen we zoom into (like the main menu) or is it a window that appears over the field map that works?

A mock-up or render would help in design.

Mechanics? Well, I suppose the requests show up and stuff like that with a switch even if it's going to be the same switch. It is a form of menu. Things suddenly appear, upon accepting the request. About 4-6 per page I guess. And lastly, I guess a single screen we zoom into, like the main menu.

As for a mock up design, this is the best I could come up with for now.
Are those actual pics in use there? I mean for the wanted ads? I guess it would be kinda cool if that is... like 'Wanted Dead or Alive' or 'Help find this puppy'. Is that the plan?
(03-17-2017, 03:08 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Are those actual pics in use there?  I mean for the wanted ads?  I guess it would be kinda cool if that is... like 'Wanted Dead or Alive' or 'Help find this puppy'.  Is that the plan?

Yeah. Something like that.