
Full Version: For New Account Signups!
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Dear Members and Friends,

After some months, a few incoming members appeared to deliver advertisement posts.  At the same time, others who entered the forum posted the merest of greets within other threads solely to gain the benefits.  And in one instance, the incoming member opted to merely quote/reply an entire post without entering any content of his own.

Our forum's staff has been dilligent in eradicating any offending spam posts and advertisements, and should be commended for their work.

In an effort to make their work easier and to eliminate spam content from entering, the policy where an incoming member is required to merely make a single post has been altered.  No longer may a newly signed member be permitted to author or post content wherever they wish.  Instead, new guidelines have been crafted which should eliminate potential spam.

Incoming members are now requested to create or post an introductory thread within our Occasions forum.  They will only be able to post within the Occasions and Feedback forum until the forum's automated system detects their first posting before automatically upgrading their membership to fully registered accounts.  It is an automated system, so there should be no difficulty in becoming fully registered.

However, we do have stipulations that their first post not be spam lest it be removed.  The posting of spam content to join the forum and gain access to our PM system is still frowned upon.  And it is our intention to protect our members from harassment and unwanted avertisement content.

I hope that this gives our members a feeling of comfort as we continue in our efforts to make Save-Point a safe and secure forum.

The Resident Werewolf