
Full Version: Special Items Separate Menu
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Are you sure you did not pick a non existing font or a font that is not true type? Even if you add that line of code, it might still fail because not every single font is supported. Of course it could be that the global variable is equal to nil, meaning it is equal to nothing... perhaps it is called $fontface instead of $fontname. Another detail I have detected would be setting the font when the bitmap has not been created because of the self.contents = nil part, possibly it should be placed after self.contents is equal to anything but nil.
If after all of our efforts you get nothing, well, keep in mind that version of the maker is illegal so no official tech working for the publisher or the maker will help you get out of that small mess. Tongue sticking out
(02-03-2018, 09:20 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure you did not pick a non existing font or a font that is not true type? Even if you add that line of code, it might still fail because not every single font is supported. Of course it could be that the global variable is equal to nil, meaning it is equal to nothing... perhaps it is called $fontface instead of $fontname. Another detail I have detected would be setting the font when the bitmap has not been created because of the self.contents = nil part, possibly it should be placed after self.contents is equal to anything but nil.
If after all of our efforts you get nothing, well, keep in mind that version of the maker is illegal so no official tech working for the publisher or the maker will help you get out of that small mess. Tongue sticking out

I dont think it's a font problem since the icon wont show and there is suppose to be 4 items that I can choose from but just cant select any. It's like, they are just not in the second item menu. I use an event that gives one of each items and try the menu right after.

I think another script is overshadowing this one. Problem is, I need them all.
I'll try making a demo and post it but the game is very in prealpha with sprites and all... I dont like showing my unfinished stuff but guess I dont have a choice.
Here is a link from wetransfer (we use this site at work to send plans)
It's a 7 days link.
Sorry for triple posting!
Just saying that I just bought RMXP from steam (It's now 70% off!!).
I wanted to say it so that you guys don't have to look at me weird anymore for not having an official version. I'll install and try this evening.
Don't forget you need to keep steam online to be able to use it :S
Confused You need to be ONLINE to use the Steam version of RMXP? That sucks.

Might be another day or two before I can snag your link. That is, this is one site that dialup hates. Tongue sticking out
Thanks DerVVulfman!
And RMXP is on an always online computer, so that's not a problem.
Just tried with the Steam version and the items are not showing so that doesnt seem to be the problem. So like I said, maybe it's a script that's overlapping your script.
Well, it'll take a couple days before I have access to a PC with something other than Dialup. Yep, I have an actual phone modem. It works. But if you have access to another filesharing site that doesn't Time-Out the link (like Mediafire), I might be able to get it sooner (or as soon as Dialup allows). Tongue sticking out
Sorry. I made a mediashare account. here:
Blushing + Cheery Downloaded!!!!

Confused What the heck is this?

I see you did copy the scripts you worked with over to the new editor. Told ya it should work. [Image: cpu.gif]

There are some subtle differences here and there. However, it is important to note that the original Japanese scripts for RPGMaker XP still used the English names. And the name of one of the class governing the Item window, even for the Japanese version, is Window_Item. Your version was Window_Objet, and wouldn't work with any script based on the original format. [Image: eusa_naughty.gif]

I also see you have ccoa's UMS in there, and Near's Anti-lag... mostly. That one won't work because it doesn't attach code to either Game_Map nor Spriteset_Map. You'll still have lag with that one. [Image: eusa_wall.gif]

Now for the skinny.

You have scripts all over the place after Scene_Debug. Game_Temp, Actor 1 to Actor 5... A varitty of Scene_Menu scripts. I don't know what one script is for and what another is for. And of course, no headers to say what script systems you have in use. Trust me, you want to keep those headings during development if they hold instructions let alone reminding you who to add in your credits roll.

YES, you DO have a few scripts blocking the Second_Item_Menu script. that's to be sure. [Image: hammer.gif]

Simple trick to verify this. Make a COPY of your demo, erase all scripts below Second_Item_Menu except for Main. Run it. See the text is there. Why? At least one script was offending. [Image: fsniper.gif]

There is another script after the Second_Item_Menu script that rewrites the 'refresh' method that I rewrote... so that's ONE area that is causing a problem. But there is another overwriting that too. [Image: eusa_doh.gif]

Now I did do some editing just to see SOMETHING of what kind of project I'm looking at. [Image: alright.gif] Entertaining main menu you have there. But it would be more entertaining to know WHAT THE HECK IT IS DOING!!!!

No offense, but perhaps you could craft a 'fresh' project with original copies of the scripts you obtained... as they were originally presented By that I mean with the headings and stuff too.. For actual analysis, a tech needs to know what he is up against. [Image: icon_axe.gif]

And no, I am not related to BOB in your extra "City" Folder. Tongue sticking out
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