
Full Version: Japanese Magic Dodging Minigame?
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I saw someone post a link to a Japanese RPG maker game (VX or XP, not sure) that featured a mini-game in which a woman floats and spins and shoots out magic colored spheres in random directions as the background scrolls by. The player gets points for avoiding the spheres.

My question is, does anyone know what game this is or where I can find it? I would really like to learn how that minigame was created, but I can't seem to find it again for the life of me : /

Not sure if this is the right section to ask this...
Thanks in advance for any help ;)
virus2099 Wrote:a woman floats and spins and shoots out magic colored spheres in random directions as the background scrolls by.

Wow, that isn't the exact game I was looking for but that IS the exact same script...same magic "spheres" and everything. Thank you very much for the new lead :D