09-07-2017, 06:10 PM
As some of you may have noticed I've been developing my KUnits Gosu game project. Since it doesn't include any maker of any kind I rely on scripts to define basic stuff like in game common terms. I do believe I don't really need any help trying to incorporate as many terms in English and Spanish as I want to but German is a bit more complicated than those because it's not my mother tongue. Even so I've tried to add as many terms as I could, I still feel like I could have made a few mistakes in the process so I would really appreciate if you could help me with these translations.
It includes Ruby 2.2+ syntax so it looks different from what you'd find in any RPG Maker game.
ENG: stands for English, ESP: for Spanish (Español) and DEU: for German (Deutsch).
(So können Sie, yamina-chan oder Melana oder TsunamiJurai, mir helfen? Ich bin ganz unsicher ob ich diese Ausdrücke genau übersetzt habe oder nicht...)
There AP stands for Ability Points and SP for Special Points. Just in case I tell you that HP stands for Hitpoints and MP for Mana points or magic points.
It includes Ruby 2.2+ syntax so it looks different from what you'd find in any RPG Maker game.
ENG: stands for English, ESP: for Spanish (Español) and DEU: for German (Deutsch).
(So können Sie, yamina-chan oder Melana oder TsunamiJurai, mir helfen? Ich bin ganz unsicher ob ich diese Ausdrücke genau übersetzt habe oder nicht...)
module Game
TERMS = t = {}
t[:new_game] = { ENG: 'New Game', ESP: 'Nuevo Juego', DEU: 'Neuspiel'}
t[:time] = { ENG: 'Playtime', ESP: 'Tiempo Jugado', DEU: 'Spielzeit'}
t[:level] = { ENG: 'Level', ESP: 'Nivel', DEU: 'Niveau' }
t[:lvl] = { ENG: 'LVL', ESP: 'NVL', DEU: 'NVU' }
t[:class] = { ENG: 'Class', ESP: 'Clase', DEU: 'Klasse' }
t[:hp] = { ENG: 'HP', ESP: 'PV', DEU: 'P' }
t[:mp] = { ENG: 'MP', ESP: 'PM', DEU: 'MP' }
t[:ap] = { ENG: 'AP', ESP: 'PH', DEU: 'FP' }
t[:sp] = { ENG: 'SP', ESP: 'PE', DEU: 'SP' }
t[:hpmax] = { ENG: 'MHP', ESP: 'PVM', DEU: 'HP' }
t[:mpmax] = { ENG: 'MMP', ESP: 'PMM', DEU: 'HMP' }
t[:atk] = { ENG: 'ATK', ESP: 'ATQ', DEU: 'ANG' }
t[:matk] = { ENG: 'MAT', ESP: 'MAT', DEU: 'MAN' }
t[:pdef] = { ENG: 'PDF', ESP: 'DFF', DEU: 'PVT' }
t[:mdef] = { ENG: 'MDF', ESP: 'DFM', DEU: 'MVT' }
t[:agil] = { ENG: 'AGL', ESP: 'AGL', DEU: 'BWG' }
t[:luck] = { ENG: 'LCK', ESP: 'SRT', DEU: 'GLK' }
t[:block] = { ENG: 'BLK', ESP: 'BLQ', DEU: 'BLK' }
t[:money] = { ENG: 'G', ESP: 'O', DEU: 'G' }
t[:price] = { ENG: 'Price', ESP: 'Precio', DEU: 'Preis' }
t[:number] = { ENG: 'Number', ESP: 'Cantidad', DEU: 'Anzahl' }
t[:amount] = { ENG: 'Amount', ESP: 'Monto', DEU: 'Betrag' }
t[:weight] = { ENG: 'Weight', ESP: 'Peso', DEU: 'Gewicht' }
t[:weight_unit] = { ENG: 'kg', ESP: 'kg', DEU: 'kg' }
t[:land] = { ENG: "From %s", ESP: "De %s", DEU: "Aus %s" }
t[:no_land] = { ENG: "Many Places", ESP: "Múltiples Lugares", DEU: 'Viele Länder' }
t[:weapon] = { ENG: 'Weapon', ESP: 'Arma', DEU: 'Waffe' }
t[:shield] = { ENG: 'Shield', ESP: 'Escudo', DEU: 'Schild' }
t[:armor] = { ENG: 'Armor', ESP: 'Armadura', DEU: 'Rüstung' }
t[:accessory] = { ENG: 'Accessory', ESP: 'Accesorio', DEU: 'Accessoires' } # oder Zubehör?
t[:skill] = { ENG: 'Skill', ESP: 'Técnica', DEU: 'Fähigkeit' } # Fähigkeit oder Skill?
t[:desc] = { ENG: 'Description', ESP: 'Descripción', DEU: 'Beschreibung' }
t[:unknown] = { ENG: 'Unknown good', ESP: 'Artículo desconocido', DEU: 'Keine Informationen sind vefügbar heutzutage'}
t[:white] = { ENG: 'White Magic', ESP: 'Magia Blanca', DEU: 'Weisse Magie' }
t[:black] = { ENG: 'Black Magic', ESP: 'Magia Negra', DEU: 'Schwarze Magie' }
t[:red] = { ENG: 'Red Magic', ESP: 'Magia Roja', DEU: 'Rote Magie' }
t[:green] = { ENG: 'Green Magic', ESP: 'Magia Verde', DEU: 'Grüne Magie' }
t[:blue] = { ENG: 'Blue Magic', ESP: 'Magia Azul', DEU: 'Blaue Magie' }
t[:time_magic] = { ENG: 'Time Magic', ESP: 'Magia Tiempo', DEU: 'Zeitmagie' }
t[:move] = { ENG: 'Physical', ESP: 'Físico', DEU: 'Physisch' }
t[:genders] = { ENG: ['Alien', 'Male', 'Female', 'Spiritual'],
ESP: ['Alienígena', 'Masculino', 'Femenino', 'Espiritual'],
DEU: ['Alien', 'Männlich', 'Weiblich', 'Geistig'] }
t[:rows] = { ENG: ['Front Row', 'Middle Row', 'Back Row'],
ESP: ['Al Frente', 'En Medio', 'Retaguardia'],
DEU: ['Frontreihe', 'Mittelreihe', 'Nachhut'] } # oder Ettape?
There AP stands for Ability Points and SP for Special Points. Just in case I tell you that HP stands for Hitpoints and MP for Mana points or magic points.