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Save-Point - Skill based on FFVI's Celes Runic


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Now that I can make my first thread, here I'll go.
Of all the things that I want, I can find them already (as mentioned in my intoduction to this forum).

However, there is one thing that keeps barking at me and that is a lack of a script. A lack of a skill similar to the Runic ability of Celes' in Final Fantasy VI.
Mainly for RPG Maker XP.
Long story short, I am requesting for a script request.
One last RMXP script request from me, if anyone is interested.
I won't mind donating 5 USD or 10 USD as a thank you.
Provided that one has a PayPal account and also that the script works properly, of course.

That said, for those who don't know of Final Fantasy VI in general, I'll give a quick rundown on the Runic skill.
What it does is that it restores a certain amount of MP to the user.
But it happens only once per turn. I'll list the scenario below.

The player character (e.g. Celes) uses "Runic" which costs no MP to activate.
An enemy (e.g. Black Mage) uses a Magical attack.
Let's say it uses Fire.
Let's say the Fire magic costs 6 MP to cast.
As a result of activating the Runic, the Fire magic is ABSORBED by the player character, restoring 6 MP in the process.
Only absorbs once per turn which means any other subsequence Magical attacks are used in that 1 turn, the player character cannot absorb the magical attacks.
The process repeats.
Hmm~ It might be a little beyond me to script this, but I can see how it would work in theory.

A status effect that lasts however long, a check that determines if the attack being received is magical, a check of it's SP cost...
Yes, it's more or less like that in a nutshell.
It might just be easier to add a value into 'Game_Battler' called runic_turns_left.

By casting the Runic spell, it sets the user's runic_turns_left value to 2. And in each battle turn, this value decreases by one until it hits zero (no lower of course). And if the caster is hit with a spell attack while runic_turns_left is more than zero, then the skill_effect script gets adjusted to let the user of the runic spell absorb the SP instead of taking damage.... and changing the turns left value to 0 of course.

Just off the top of my head. This could be REALLY interesting if the user is also a Blue Mage too. Tongue sticking out

Winking Wanna find an avatar, even if it's Monopoly's 'Just Visiting' tile? Laughing Laughing Laughing
In other words, a script is most likely not needed?
If so, I'll try and see if I can do it on my own with your instructions.
If not, I'll go on waiting with an "Edit" update, roughly around October 5th based on my timezone.

Edit: Hold on. You mentioned skill_effect script. Something I most likely shall not tinker with due to the lack of scripting knowledge. I guess I'll wait.
Laughing Er, Game_Battler is a script in the default scripts. And 'skill_effect' is a method within. So by that, I did mean by making a script. Simpler in design than you may have thought. Well........ by MY standard anyway.

I wouldn't need to make a status ailment/effect for this. Just a timer value in Game_Battler that gets counted down while seeing if the player is hit by a skill.
Which in other words, ehhh, I still need to tinker with the scripts anyway.
I'll see whether it will work when the time comes.
Just got home half an hour forty minutes ago.....

I whipped this up. Winking Just call it Just Runics.

# ** Just Runics
#  By DerVVulfman
#  v 1.0
#  October 3, 2017

module Runic
  # List of Skills by ID
  # This, by their skill ID in the database
    SKILL_LIST = [81]
  # Number of turns
  # How many turns it lasts...
    TURNS = 1
  # Show Animation Effect per turn?
  # If true, the shielded runic animation plays on turn start
    SHOW = true
  # Pop that shows target/self protected
  # (Or nil if no pop to show)
    SPELL_POP  = "Runic Barrier"
  # Words that show target/self absorbed SP
  # Format is RUNIC_ABSORB + value + RUNIC_SUFFIX
  # (Or nil per word not showing)
    RUNIC_ABSORB = "Absorb"

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
#  and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias runic_gb_initialize initialize
  alias runic_gb_skill_effect skill_effect
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :runic_counter            # runic absorb counter
  attr_accessor :runic_animation          # runic spell animation
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Perform the original call
    # The added value
    @runic_counter = 0
    @runic_animation = 0
  # * Apply Skill Effects
  #     user  : the one using skills (battler)
  #     skill : skill
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    # If skill is slated as a runic barrier spell
    if Runic::SKILL_LIST.include?(
      # Set the number of turns
      @runic_counter = Runic::TURNS
      # Self/caster turns must be increased 1
      @runic_counter += 1 if user == self
      # Show applied pop text if text set
      self.damage = Runic::SPELL_POP unless Runic::SPELL_POP.nil?
      # Set the barrier animation ID for self
      @runic_animation = skill.animation2_id
      # End Method
      return true
    # Perform the original call
    effective = runic_gb_skill_effect(user, skill)
    # If positive damage during runic effect
    if @runic_counter > 0
      if self.damage > 0
        # Restore health befoer damage
        self.hp += self.damage
        # Add attacker's SP cost into SP score
        self.sp += skill.sp_cost
        # Clear critical flag
        self.critical = false
        # Change Pop message
        word1 = word2 = ""
        word1 = Runic::RUNIC_ABSORB unless Runic::RUNIC_ABSORB.nil?
        word2 = Runic::RUNIC_SUFFIX unless Runic::RUNIC_SUFFIX.nil?
        self.damage = word1 +(skill.sp_cost).to_s + word2
        # And turn the runic effect off
        @runic_counter = 0
      return effective
    # End Method
    return effective

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
  alias runic_sb_start_phase2 start_phase2
  alias runic_sb_update_phase4_step6 update_phase4_step6
  # * Start Party Command Phase
  def start_phase2
    # Cycle through enemies
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # Perform runic animation
    # Cycle through actors
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      # Perform runic animation
    # Perform the original call
  # * Start Runic Animation Effect at Party Command Start
  #     target : target (actor or enemy)
  def runic_animation(target)
    return unless Runic::SHOW == true
    return unless target.exist?
    return unless target.hp > 0
    return unless target.runic_counter > 0
    target.animation_id = target.runic_animation
    target.animation_hit = true
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
  def update_phase4_step6
    # Update Runic counter (never below 0)
    @active_battler.runic_counter -= 1
    @active_battler.runic_counter == 0 if @active_battler.runic_counter < 0
    # Perform the original call
^ See, that's elegance right there. Might even have to use it for something myself~
I kind of feel the need to ask this... what if an ally casts a healing spell on the runic hero? Should it absorb the spell's SP? Is that really convenient? Just a thought for our dear forumer to play with...
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