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Save-Point - Actor Specific Skill Menus In Battle


Full Version: Actor Specific Skill Menus In Battle
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This came to my mind today and it would really tidy up the game I'm working on. Basically, what I'm picturing is something where each character's skill menu is named something specific to their class.

For instance; a Blue Mage's menu would appear thus:

Blue Magic

And a thief would have a Steal command instead of 'Skills' etc etc

What I picture for this script is a simple template that allows the edit of each actor's skill command with whatever word you prefer.

Can someone help me with this? I'd have some extra thanks to give on Thanksgiving if so
Well, there are other scripts that accomplish this in a more... complex... manner. In fact, these would do more than just replace the text for the option, but split up your options. However, Trickster's uses the SDK system which may interfere with your game, and RPG Advocate's (the original one from 2006) might be a bit dated.... so I just came up with this 10 minutes ago:

#  This class performs battle screen processing.

module ACN
  ATTACK, SKILL, ITEM, DEFEND  = {}, {}, {}, {}    # Do Not Touch
  # Format for each item  is the attack type  with the ID of the actor in the
  # brackets.  So  SKILL[4] = "Flash!" would replace the default SKILL option
  # for the 4th actor in your database (typically Dorothy).
  # COMMANDS      Replacement Names
  # ==========    =================
    # --------    -----------------   Attack replacements
    ATTACK[1]   = "Slash!!!"
    ATTACK[7]   = "Club 'em!"
    ATTACK[8]   = "A pointy stick"
    # --------    -----------------   Skill Replacements
    SKILL[2]    = "Lance 'em"
    SKILL[8]    = "Magic"
    # --------    -----------------   Defend replacements
    DEFEND[1]   = "Cringe!"
    # --------    -----------------   Item replacements
    ITEM[8]     = "Drugs?"

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Alias Listings
  alias acn_phase3_setup_command_window phase3_setup_command_window
  # * Actor Command Window Setup
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # Get the current actor by ID
    actor_id =
    # Dispose of earlier version
    # Make default actor command window names
    s1 = $data_system.words.attack
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.guard
    s4 = $data_system.words.item
    # Acquire new actor command window names from Config
    s1 = ACN::ATTACK[actor_id]  if ACN::ATTACK.has_key?(actor_id)
    s2 = ACN::SKILL[actor_id]   if ACN::SKILL.has_key?(actor_id)
    s3 = ACN::DEFEND[actor_id]  if ACN::DEFEND.has_key?(actor_id)
    s4 = ACN::ITEM[actor_id]    if ACN::ITEM.has_key?(actor_id)
    # Redraw and reposition (needed)
    @actor_command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4])    
    @actor_command_window.y = 160
    # Perform the original call

Now you can rename all four options for each actor.

This IS assuming that the Actor Command Window hasn't been changed and the four options in the window are the same. Enjoy.