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I have updated all demos because I had to fix some issue with the curse lifting feature and I hope it is completely solved by now. Nope, that is not all I did there, XP demo also includes KElemRES XP now, meaning you can set elemental resistances at will... if it does work as it is right now, I did not test it thoroughly. Tongue sticking out By the way, the INCREDIBLY AWESOME DEBATE not only features Aluxes's plan to help boost the local economy but also how Cyrus would deal with such a delicate issue! Shocked
So you really did KElemres. :)

Well, after enjoying the new intro sequence I got back into the harsh world of script testing and some stuff happened:

When trying to switch heroes in the Resistance Gem Menu with L and R buttons
[Image: WclPEGE.png]

When pushing UP or DOWN buttons in the status window
[Image: IKr6tGm.png]

When attacking the ghosts
[Image: 4mibwAh.png]

Oh and I recognized that auto states on armors doesn't work in general with Kustom.
Well, let me see if anything is working properly now. Anyway I have updated Kustom XP demo and this time even Trickster has something to say about being the next mayor! Find out all about this candidate by downloading the latest demo! Shocked
Only one more error in the status screen so far when pressing UP or DOWN.

[Image: PgNoumv.png]

And it seems Auto States on armors still won't work.
But you could translate this into a new feature: Multiple Auto States on unique armors and! weapons.

Trickster is some shady guy for sure!
I don't know what auto states are supposed to do, I never depended on that feature ever before Tongue sticking out even so it only checks if an old or new armor has some auto state, that is independent from whatever I have done with Kustom XP... AFAIK you cannot find it on VX or ACE...

actor... not @actor ? Try placing the at symbol right before the word actor to see if it works then...
Auto states add a state to an actor if a specific armor is equipped. It's a standard feature of RMXP. For example an helmet that adds Barrier to it's wearer.
And as far as I can see it doesn't work in the Kustom demo.

I will try the fix when I'm home.
Edit: It works.

And it seems the host cursed Aluxes equipment.
The Bronze Shield doesn't give Aluxes resistances in the demo.
Did you properly configure the respective resistances TXT file to include the Bronze Shield? Perhaps the host could not stand Aluxes anymore for not supporting Candidate Trickster Tongue sticking out
I just use the text file as it is in the latest demo.
Does it work for you?
Well, I have fixed some other bugs as usual and added a new feature to VX and ACE demos, the auto state one that was supposed to be available for XP only by default. Anyway I know that is not the big deal, but I have also added Candidate Aluxes's second proposal for you to enjoy! Shocked I am not interested in making KElemRES ports so do not ask me to make VX or ACE versions of it because I will ignore you! Tongue sticking out
I haven't found any errors so far.

But I found out that the smith(the others aswell) doesn't get updated on savegames if you change something in the text file.
I'm not sure if that's intended or not fixable but I think it could be annoying when you decide to change something, all your savegames won't get these changes.
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