There appears to be issues with graphic rendering insofar as the usage of the Show Pictures/Move Pictures system. When implementing a simple event system that takes five images from the Graphics\Pictures folder and merges/blend them into a single image within the center of the screen (a little warning/advert of sorts), I receive a strange flickering with your system. However, I looked at ReGaL and last executable builds of MKXP and had no issues. Videos presented below:
Correct RPGMaker and MKXP rendering: [attachment=1953]
Improper with HiddenChest: [attachment=1950]
There's a severe limit to upload-size with .mp4 files. Hence the short video lengths.
Oddly, I should note that using OBS to record these images, I found that OBS saves a 4 second video with RPGMaker XP or MKXP as a 4MB sized mkv file. But using the same setup with OBS, a HiddenChest recording of the same 4 second length results in a mere 1.6MB mkv video using the 64bit h640.exe. This is curious indeed.
Insofar as the event code that should properly render, it is quite a simple Parallel Process Event:
@>Set Move Route: Player
: : $>Wait: 100 frame(s)
@>Show Picture: 1, 'WARNING', Center (-1000,-500), (800%,800%), 0, Normal
@>Show Picture: 2, 'WARNING', Center (1000,-500), (800%,800%), 0, Normal
@>Show Picture: 3, 'WARNING', Center (-1000,500), (800%,800%), 0, Normal
@>Show Picture: 4, 'WARNING', Center (1000,500), (800%,800%), 0, Normal
@>Show Picture: 5, 'WARNING', Center (320,240), (800%,800%), 0, Normal
@>Move Picture: 1, @40, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 64, Normal
@>Move Picture: 2, @40, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 64, Normal
@>Move Picture: 3, @40, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 64, Normal
@>Move Picture: 4, @40, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 64, Normal
@>Move Picture: 5, @40, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 64, Normal
@>Wait: 20 frame(s)
@>Move Picture: 5, @20, Center (320,240), (100%,100%), 128, Normal
@>Wait: 80 frame(s)
@>Erase Picture: 1
@>Erase Picture: 2
@>Erase Picture: 3
@>Erase Picture: 4
@>Erase Picture: 5
@>Control Self Switch: A =ON
Obviously, there is a second page set to execute when Self-Switch A is turned on.
Seeing that this is done with nothing more than default event commands, this should not even be an issue. However, it is. And below is a sample RMXP project with that event code you can test.
TEST DEMO: [attachment=1954]
OOOH, and curious. Rather than using the MKXP.Conf file which is essentially an .ini file, why hasn't anyone thought to just put the same initialization variables into Game.Ini and just be done with it? That's for ANYONE that incorporated the MK base.