Version 1.1.69
Yes, it is here for you to play with it!
List of Recent Changes
Re-enabled Input.repeat? for Mouse Clicks.
You can also use these shortcuts Input.repeat_left_click? and Input.repeat_right_click?
Added a 3rd Framebuffer.
The reasons that moved me in this direction are simple: to prevent the engine from drawing everything way too fast and see if it can prevent the screen from going black after toggling Fullscreen Mode.
Raised Maximum Frame Rate to 140. (Previous Limit: 120)
Centered Window in Windowed Mode After Leaving Fullscreen Mode.
Updated KSoundFontMenu series, ClickableWindow XP & ACE.
In the last week I was able to read on the title bar that HC could even run quite fast, even up to 2500 frames per second.
But there is a chance that was a momentary misrepresentation of its actual drawing speed.
I had to revert 1 of the changes because a certain forumer reported some issues that might have been linked to the graphics card not accepting to work on 3 framebuffers simultaneously. Add to this that I had wrongly labeled NAME and FAMILY_NAME as Linux on the Windows port.
The binary executables have been updated on all available platforms!
The Most Stable Release as of Yet Has Been Uploaded Tonight!
Version 1.1.70
Recent Changes
Set your own game window's icon!
Just add the Icon=icon name entry to your Game.ini and that's it!
Even error splash screens will sport your custom icon!
The engine refreshes your clicks after freezing a scene.
This feature was badly needed by the engine because pressing a mouse button followed by B or C button would make it ignore the following clicks for a while. Now it run effortlessly.
Atomized double-click specific code.
The custom icon might take a few seconds to show up on your window's title bar. It will show up after it has displayed the game title there.
This is the soonest Ruby code can ever do it.
The snapshot below was taken after making a mistake in my custom RGSS code intentionally.
Added an optional Splash Screen.
Default Path: Graphics/Splash/screen -- the file extension will be detected by the script.
This prevent the engine from searching for RMXP or RMVX ACE specific directories.
The engine will display a "Loading..." label on screen on top of it.
Merged Game & Setup modules, removing the Setup CRuby file in the process.
KSoundFontMenu scripts have to been updated on GitHub.
Improved Game.ini Parser, now it will ignore whitespaces on both sides of the equal = symbol automatically.
A New Release Has Been Uploaded Today!
Version 1.1.72
Codename: SplashScreen
Recent Changes
Added native Zlib compression, there is no need for an additional library or rubygem.
Renamed Game::Scene class as Game::SplashScene. It should be placed in the Data directory and saved as Splash.rb
If you create the optional Splash.rb file, the engine will read it and create an Splash.rhc file based on it, holding a deflated / compressed string. Later on, the engine will actually inflate / uncompress it and execute it on your behalf.
After just one test run, you can even move the RB file anywhere else until the day comes when you ever badly need to modify its code again.
Here's a custom Splash.rb script for you to learn how to create your own.
# * Game::SplashScene * #
# - Just A Custom Version - #
# Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
# 2024-05-28
# If you ever overwrite the main method in a custom script, you got to add
# a call to Game.setup or the normal loading processing will end abruptly.
module Game
class SplashScene
def main
until Input.trigger?(Input::KeyK)
def start
@visual = nil
filename = "Graphics/Splash/screen"
if FileInt.exist?(filename)
@visual = true
@backdrop =
@backdrop.bitmap =
@title =
@title.x = (Graphics.width - 400) / 2
@title.y = (Graphics.height - 60) / 2
b =, 64)
font = b.font
font.size = 48
font.outline = true
font.outline_size = 4
b.draw_text(b.rect, "Loading...", 1)
@title.bitmap = b
def terminate
if @visual
@visual = nil
RELEVANT NOTE: Windows users using this release might need to rename the libboost_program_options-mt-x64.dll as libboost_program_options-mt.dll or else they will get a weird error message from Windows. I dunno why did this happen because I've never asked it to pick any of them, it just did it automatically. There is a chance that including Zlib support changed this but I can't prove that.
Set the maximum values for TILE_WIDTH & TILE_HEIGHT to those corresponding to the maximum resolution allowed (Full HD)
Window#mouse_inside? or #mouse_above? now accept 0 or 1 arguments.
This allows the game developer to select the whole window minus the white borders or some specific area.
Basic Mouse Wheel Support + Input.scroll_factor & #scroll_factor= Default Scroll Factor: 2.
I know that both 1 & 2 work smoothly, the only difference is that you need to be very precise if it's set to just 1.
Updated custom Scripts to demonstrate how all the related changes have impacted or even expanded the engine's capabilities.
Removed a Set of C++ Wrappers for SDL Functions Written in C
Added Game.icon= & Game.title=
Added Font.solid_fonts & #solid_fonts=
Added SolidFonts & SubImageFix to Game.ini Parser
Removed title & title= & their Aliases from Graphics
Added Graphics.center_window
Manually Set the Pause Animation's XY Coordinates Window#pause_x= and #pause_y= and even #pause_xy(new_x, new_y)
Added Audio.bgm_pause & #bgm_resume
Removed Audio.play_ok & Other Methods from RGSS1
Reason: Audio Module is Loaded Way Too Early for it to Know About Which RGSS Version is Running At That Point
Updated Custom Ruby Scripts, ClickableWindowVX Has Been Created
I'm not to keen on the Splash Screen. The 'Loading' text and dimensions are fixed, and if you use a .png file instead of a .jpg, you get a real laugh when the game screen actual appears. And applying the splashscreen.rb file into the Data folder presents an unintentional double-splash screen of sorts.
I will say that the work has pretty much made the HiddenChest.Conf file practically useless as the most valuable configuration variables into both Game.Ini and as commands that can be used in the game scripts.
Heck, even the Game.Ini file is nearly unnecessary:
What I am using
; Game heading content
Title = KSoundFont XP
Author = Kyonides
Version = 1.0.0
Icon = Graphics/Icons/ReGaL.png
; Basic RPGMaker Support content
Scripts = Data\Scripts.rxdata
RTP1 = Standard
RTP2 = C:\Games\Enterbrain\RGSS\Standard
RTP3 =
; Basic RPGMaker Support content
Scripts = Data\Scripts.rxdata
* Do note, I'm using Windows 10 (64bit) versus Kyonides using Linux, so I am not using the Linux paths for the Soundfont options.
Seriously, Things like the game title, game icon, the resizing and even the sound font have defaults! My adding a script that merely has one line: Game.title = "WompWomp", and it works. Helluva name, right?
My adding a
The RTP is really needed when working on the game, and not needed if the game is packaged with all the required resources.
And so far, the only thing that the Game.Ini is actually needed for is the location of the Scripts data file in the Data folder. Butfor all I know, that is how HiddenChest recognizes which RGSS version is in use.