
Full Version: Glacia Complete Chapter One
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It should be fixed now try it again.
waa I played the demo until I could set the battle speed and active or semi active thing and after that I saved and then it crashed -_-
Scene_File ?215? Type Error
no marshal_dump is definded for class proc
Thats a new one. Can you put up a screen?
sorry I forgot to make one and right now I have no time to play again to this spot just to make a screenshot, maybe anyone else could load the demo and give a feedback.
Ty, its working now :)
well i just played and it is good but when i died at the five slimes i went to the title screen and when i loaded my saved game i could only go up and yes this is 1.1 and if i delete the save and make new game it dose it still
Can you provide a screen-shot of the problem?
i will try
First impressions while it is downloading: Use of the term '[x] bender' and the name 'Zuko'. Is this a fangame and I wasn't informed?

Downloaded now. Will play and edit this with thoughts.

In a spoiler just in case.

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First the good news:
.::1.2 is here::.
-Fixes the error that occurred when you reset the game with F12.
-New NonRtp Sound Effects
-Fixes a save error that rendered the game unplayable.
-Completely rewritten ending that is much more original.

The bad news:
-No other updates.
-Old saves will no longer work. (Sorry about this, but it was unavoidable.)

The future:
-The updates I already promised.
-Rebalancing magic to make it more useful.

As always all feedback is greatly appreciated.

Download Chapter One Version 1.2
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