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Save-Point - AnimBat Add-on


Full Version: AnimBat Add-on
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This is a copy of the request topic I made years ago for VXAce, now with AnimBat being super good and kyonides looking for ideas I thought I'd throw this out there.

[Image: dd0v7l1-727fbcff-483f-484d-b64e-56adf28fb02f.png]

After a year I’ve finally finished all the graphics needed for Mags to be scripted, now I’m looking for people to script it. You may have your own engine or you may be someone just making a compatible add-on, if you’re wondering what these are and how I envisioned them to be used then this topic will help answer those questions. Or you’ll totally think they’d be better off used in some other way, but that’s what this topic is for also, thinking outside the box.

What are Mags?

I got the idea (as shown in the credits) from Phantasy Star Online to have these little graphics to show behind a character in battle. Their original use was addition stat boosts and helped you equip weapons that your class sometimes found hard to reach. They also evolved depending on what stats were increased. In addition each evolution gave a certain special move which was available after taking a certain amount of damage.

Now that all seems a bit of a mouthful but there are certain ways this can be adapted to Animated Battle Scripts which a lot of people have shown interest in having.

Firstly I’d just like to show what they’ll look like in battle and where they’d show in relation to their owners graphic frame:
[Image: dd0v7ju-6f81fc16-494d-464b-800d-6cb15e3eeccb.png]

Now the way the frames are set up there’s enough room to have them placed underneath the actor graphic without being lost behind. From 0,0 of the actor they’re best placed at 40x16. 
[Image: dd0v7k4-2bcb7d8b-bdb2-4751-b624-ee843db9be9f.png]

If it’s possible to have the Mags movement be slightly slower than than the actor they are following that would be best, since it would give it a smoother movement and help the visual appeal. So it basically is slowing catching up to 40x16 on the actors frame, as it doesn’t appear to be ‘stuck’ there.

What can be done with them? 

-First main obvious use for Mags would be their use in Phantasy Star Online, and that’s a stat increase for whoever has it equipped. The Mags stats are increased by feeding it, after feeding it three items there’s a break before you can feed it again *I can assume this would be done with in game timer*. One items doesn't increase one stat, there’s a bar to fill before you get a +1, the higher the Mags level the longer it takes to fill, this would also increase it’s level.
The items that it’s fed were items that the actors could use, so the disadvantage of feeding your Mags were that you’d be lowering your stock of say Potions and Ethers. 
At higher levels a Potion won’t fill the bar up as much as it would’ve done at a much lower level *I assume that the items effect would need a calculation done rather than the the bar size just increasing*.
After a certain amount of leveling the mag would Evolve


It would be nice to give the end user the ability to create their own evolution flow or not have one at all since they may want to add/remove Mags, create a certain path, limit or expand evolution possibilities. 

In standard Mags they had three evolutions and always at first evolved into one of two Mags:
[Image: dd0v7k8-f36061e4-5ce6-49c8-b0a2-49d97199601d.png]
This was always based off one stats being higher than the other and gave certain special moves.

Menu Visuals and functions

Mags would require their own screen within the Menu for feeding if they only had a single use then a simple description would only be necessary. I’m basing this on the mimic of the functions of Phantasy Star Online.

Equipment Screen would require a new or overwriting of a slot *This is where the icons I’ve made would come in useful*. I’m not sure if it’s possible but having a bit of information in the help bar would be handy for the end user being able to identify which Mag Is being equipped.

Mag Screen, this would require it’s own menu listing, it could also be where you in turn assign a Mag to an actor rather than taking up an equipment slot or altering that screen. 

[Image: dd0v7ke-87e46e8b-b5d6-4454-9bce-f07a8e9bbf3c.png]

I suppose things like what the actors current stats are and what they become when that mag is equipped could also be shown in the space to the left of the mags stats.
[Image: dd0v7km-e4e3951c-09f5-4a6f-9edb-9bdbc17aaa59.png]

[Image: dd0v7ks-bf81d121-58f7-4944-afc4-46c738b96a99.png]

What else can be done with them? 

Well since there’s a whole host of different game styles out there, Mags can also be many different things. They don’t have to be scripted the way described above, this is as I said an end user script so variation is key. Below I’ve listed a few of my other ideas for Mags.

Status effects - Mags could just come in a variety of preset abilities, some could increase Agi but lower Def, others would protect against Poison or even double your earned Gold.
For this I don’t think a Mag menu or evolution would be needed, just a specific equip slot.

Actor stats - Could be the main way of setting the actors stats, if the end user would prefer to have a party of people who get their power from these Mags only and not equipment/weapons.

I couldn’t fully choose which tab in the database these would be most suited towards, since which way they are going to be created there seems to be an appropriate tab to use.

Just as a final note to anyone who may be scripting this please be aware there’s a number of different Animated Battle scripts currently being used so if possible making this add-on as universally compatible as possible or directly for use with X script/engine would be best.

All the graphics for mags I've just moved them to my Holders Animated Battlers Blog

Obviously this is from years ago and it was aimed towards VXAce, features don't HAVE to be included or could be changeable at user end.
This isn't for me, I'll be linking it back from my blog to here for anyone that wants to use this with their project.

This is the link to the VXAce version demo that uses mags:
This is certainly gonna kill ya.......

Back in 2008 for Animated Battlers v 10.6, before I had features for ccoa battlers and so much, I was asked to make an in-battle companion feature for a game entitled 'Whisper of a Rose'.

*Googles* Shocked OMG, this can't be the same one that's on Steam made with RMXP!!! I'd die if it is!!! The Homesite is from 2007? *faints*]

Basically, the WOAR addon asked for by someone I'll just call 'A.J.". It was to bring up a character behind the player. And if the player performed a pre-programmed action, the floating chareacter, a 'Dream Star' would perform its own pre-programmed action.
Ah nice, yeah the Mags sound similar to that. Someone wanted them to be like a characters stats - equip a Mag to increase Atk and Spd or a different one for Def and Int.
Like if for example that script was public then I think these Mags would fit in nicely with that.

This isn't a personal script request. Just as a if someone wants to work on something kind of thing.