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Save-Point - CTB v3.1 without FFX commands


Full Version: CTB v3.1 without FFX commands
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Hello there, i want to use the CTB v3.1 by Charlie Fleed without the FFX commands, is there a way to disable that?
I mean, i dont need summons, switch members, and seperate options to choose a skill from. Besites of that
i also need to get rid of the battle report window, which includes exp and lvl up stuff, because i dont use that
in my game.

Im about to make a Game with a status upgrade system, based on the Sphere System in FFX, which doesnt need
exp/lvl at all.

I hope someone can help me with that.
I wasn't aware it was so 'hard-coded'. Confused

However, it's easy to remove the battle report altogether. in the script labeled "CTB by Charlie - Scene_Battle", do a search for all instances of @result_window and #Comment them out. This includes commenting out @result_window2.

Hrm, not using levels or experience. I never used that system. I preferred one where you played 'Matchup' against the enemies. That is, your heroes gain some bonus to stats after combat if their enemies were suitably strong rather than fighting measly squirrels all day for points.
(04-16-2019, 05:01 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't aware it was so 'hard-coded'.  Confused

However, it's easy to remove the battle report altogether.  in the script labeled "CTB by Charlie - Scene_Battle", do a search for all instances of  @result_window and #Comment them out.  This includes commenting out @result_window2.

Hrm, not using levels or experience.  I never used that system.  I preferred one where you played 'Matchup' against the enemies.  That is, your heroes gain some bonus to stats after combat if their enemies were suitably strong rather than fighting measly squirrels all day for points.
I see, well it works fine with quoting the result window out.  

I was wondering if it would be easier to make a custom battle window instead of cutting around in the scripts.

Levels are good, but when it comes to RMXP a bit limited if you want to create a game with high stats, like one of the Disgaea Series.

I fixed the Stats Issue within the RMXP, so STR affects base ATK and INT affects base MAG and so on. In the original state it only affected Skills and Magic skills.
The Player can individualy choose a Stat to increase out of several options, which means it can be good or bad whatever the player choose. Sure there is a bit of
grinding into it, but i already got a solution about that and it makes it imposible to overpower early in the game at all.
(04-16-2019, 06:00 AM)Someone Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if it would be easier to make a custom battle window instead of cutting around in the scripts.

Possibly. Totally empty and without rendering anything. But there are two result windows actually, hence @result_window and @result_window2.

With the various configuration pages Charlie worked out, I expected the Actor Command Window to be editable... I guess not. I would have to look deeper into it to deliver a more classic Fight/Skill/Item/Defend result. Or would 'Escape' also be on the agenda? Specifics on what's desired in this window count.

And hrm... it sounds like I'm using a system similar made years ago by Synthesize. Get points in order to upgrade stats or health.
(04-16-2019, 05:06 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2019, 06:00 AM)Someone Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if it would be easier to make a custom battle window instead of cutting around in the scripts.

Possibly.  Totally empty and without rendering anything.  But there are two result windows actually, hence @result_window and @result_window2.

With the various configuration pages Charlie worked out, I expected the Actor Command Window to be editable... I guess not.  I would have to look deeper into it to deliver a more classic Fight/Skill/Item/Defend result.  Or would 'Escape' also be on the agenda?  Specifics on what's desired in this window count.

And hrm... it sounds like I'm using a system similar made years ago by Synthesize.  Get points in order to upgrade stats or health.
I guess i should use the simple ABS with a customized battle window. Well to be specific about that, Attack,Skill,Item,Guard,Escape would be the best option. Since i will learn skills through Equipments, similar to Lufia 2 with the specials inside a weapon. It would just be nice to see the weakness and immunity and such stuff at the attack. A result window with gold and drops is not a problem, just that exp stuff is bothering if i dont use exp.

Yes your system is similar to mine i guess. At my system the Hero has a special ability to dive into someones soul, where he/she activates the inner power in form of spheres to increase stats and so on. Also to dive in certain NPC, similar to Alundra 1 with the dreams.