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Save-Point - Script that allow skills to hit an arbitrary number of targets.


Full Version: Script that allow skills to hit an arbitrary number of targets.
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Pretty self-explanatory. I need a script that will allow me to set up how many target a skill hits. For example a skill called "4 course meal" would hit 4 random targets in the enemy party.

I'm currently using Dargor's large party script that permits me to have more than 4 characters in battle. Given the default options in RMXP for skills scope are limited to either all targets or one target, that leave with little variation to attack patterns. Specially heinous when the enemies will be dealing with a nine men battle party. Limiting the attacks to not hit the entire party would greatly decrease the need to use healing skills and/or items and thus making the gameplay more balanced. 

Up to this point, I was using a modified version of Wecoc's Battle Scope script, until I realized a truly game busting bug that messed up my game to the point I had to do a migration to a new project.
Riddle me this.

If you have a skill called '4 course meal' and you only have 4 possible enemies, does it have to strike all four enemies? Just sayiing. For one common interpretation would be that it could try to target 4 random targets, but could select the same target twice.
Hitting 4 enemies once is what I had in mind. But if you could make it so it hits a same target twice or trice would be nicer.

I recall a script I tried long time ago that allowed attacks to hit the same target several times but I couldn't make it work. I think it was part of Blizzard's Script collection and was SKD dependent.