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ZLSL's Battle Portraits
Version: 1.2

This script allows you to display an 'extra' shot of your hero-in-action within your default battlesystem when it is his or her turn to choose what action to take. That is, you can display a large portrait of the hero or heroine when the [ Actor Command Window ] ( Attack|Skill|Item|Defend ) is visible and active.

None. This one's pretty simple in implementation.

Here you go!

Place this script below Scene_Debug and above Main. If it is in use with with a custom battle system, it must be placed below such a system.

Configure the position where the portaits will be shown. This is done in the ZLSL_Portraits module.

Thanks to zlsl who requested the system. I figured... I had about ten minutes to kill.

Credits and Thanks
˂If you're using graphics made or scripts written by others, or have someone to thank, do it here. This section is optional if you have no one to mention.˃

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. Only due credit is required. That includes credit for zlsl as well as my own.
To be honest with you, I would have define the party size method used in Spriteset_Battle as you can see in the code snippet below...

def zlslbportait_function_update_actor_party_size
    # Set current number of battlers
    return $game_party.party_size || 4

And yeah, as zlsl has already noticed, you didn't include any party_size method in Game_Party...
to version 1.1

I neglected to include recognition of a 'party_size' value within the Game_Party class. This value is typically nil and unused by the script. However, I recognize that other scripts that increase the size of the default system's party beyond 4-members uses this value.  If detected, then this new value will be used instead.

So... no. The party_size value does not define the size of the party within this script, it is a hook used by other scripts.
(11-10-2019, 04:13 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]
ZLSL's Battle Portraits
Version: 1.1

This script allows you  to display an 'extra' shot  of your hero-in-action within your default battlesystem when it is his or her turn to choose what action to take.  That is, you can display a large portrait of the hero or heroine when the [ Actor Command Window ] ( Attack|Skill|Item|Defend )  is visible and active.

None.  This one's pretty simple in implementation.

Here you go!

Place this script below Scene_Debug and above Main.  If it is in use with with a custom battle system, it must be placed below such a system.

Configure the position where the portaits will be shown.  This is done in the ZLSL_Portraits module.

Thanks to zlsl who requested the system.  I figured... I had about ten minutes to kill.

Credits and Thanks
˂If you're using graphics made or scripts written by others, or have someone to thank, do it here. This section is optional if you have no one to mention.˃

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games.  Only due credit is required.  That includes credit for zlsl as well as my own.

Hi guys! Laughing Laughing Laughing
This script is great as an original, but if you want to add a little taste, see my post! Please understand that English is not my native language, so explanation is poor. I used a translator:->

The original script loads the same image as Battler.
I wanted to support battler and command battle portraits differently. 
The bitmap folder supported BPortrait, but the script did not recognize the BPortrait folder.  (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) 
I was troubled all night and modified this. It was actually a very simple way.

[Image: gw265iD.png]
Just modify the pink box in the picture.

if @battler.battler_name != @character_name or
▲ Please search and find. And,

self.oy       = @height 
Replace with the code below !!


    if @battler.battler_name != @character_name or
       @battler.battler_hue != @character_hue
      # Get and set bitmap
      @character_name = @battler.battler_name
      @character_hue  = @battler.battler_hue
 self.bitmap   = RPG::Cache.bportrait(@character_name, @character_hue)
      @width        = bitmap.width
      @height       = bitmap.height
      self.ox       = @width / 2
      self.oy       = @height


Battle and Command Battle Portraits now support different images! Put your command portrait in the BPortrait folder!
※ Battler and Battle Portrait must have the same name !!
※ Only Atoa ATB is not supported. I will be more concerned about this problem.

Thanks to DerVVulfman and kyonides for their help! Blushing + Cheery Blushing + Cheery Blushing + Cheery 
Everyone gave me help and advice until late. This made it possible to build the system I wanted.
to version 1.2

바보 !!! 바보 !!! 바보 !!!

I created the Cache system using tried and true methods so the BPortrait folder would properly save. But STUPID ME! I forgot to change the self.bitmap line within Sprite_BattlerProfile over from using the battler folder to the bportait folder!

Oookay. It's now fully fixed.

DerVV waves to yeodongsaeng (Little Sis)