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KBrainWash XP
version 1.0.2

by Kyonides Arkanthes


Let heroes and monsters brainwash their opponents! Shocked
Do you need instructions to perform such an amazing task!? Happy with a sweat 
That's easy! Laughing Just read the comments in order to configure the script correctly.
Confused Honestly I don't recall if I'd already made this script before so I'm publishing this one just in case. Laughing + Tongue sticking out 

XP Script
# * KBrainWash XP
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.0.2 - 2019-11-22

# This scriptlet allows you to define spells that might take control of their
# caster's opponent. It also adds a new stat, namely will, to all battlers.

# It also features the will force that might help the target resist such an
# psychic attack.

# The spell will fail if the target's willpower is stronger than the caster's.

# NOTE : The player is still able to choose any battle action at will.

module KBrainWash
  FAIL_ANIME_ID = 1 # Animation for Brainwash failure
  SKILL_ID = 81
  STATE_ID = 17
  # Target's Section
  WILL_FORCE_POINTS_PERCENT = 20 # Percent of Extra Will Force Points
  # Initial Will Points
  START_WILL_POINTS = {} # Do Not Touch This!
  # ActorID or EnemyID => Will Power Points, etc.
  START_WILL_POINTS[:actor] = {}
  START_WILL_POINTS[:enemy] = {}
  START_WILL_POINTS[:actor].default = 0 # Excluded actors get none!
  START_WILL_POINTS[:enemy].default = 0 # Excluded enemies get none!
  def self.ignore?() rand(100) < TEMP_IGNORE_BW_PERCENT end

class Game_BattleAction
  alias :kyon_brainwash_gm_battle_act_drtfa :decide_random_target_for_actor
  alias :kyon_brainwash_gm_battle_act_drtfe :decide_random_target_for_enemy
  def decide_random_target_for_actor
    if @battler.brainwashed?
      target = $game_party.random_target_actor
      return clear unless target
      return @target_index = target.index

  def decide_random_target_for_enemy
    if @battler and @battler.brainwashed?
      target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
      return clear unless target
      return @target_index = target.index

class Game_Battler
  attr_accessor :will
  alias :kyon_brainwash_gm_battler_init :initialize
  alias :kyon_brainwash_gm_battler_se :skill_effect
  def initialize
    @will = KBrainWash::START_WILL_POINTS[self.kind]

  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    if KBrainWash::SKILL_ID ==
      power = @will
      if @states.include?(KBrainWash::WILL_FORCE_STATE_ID)
        power *= KBrainWash::WILL_FORCE_POINTS_PERCENT
      percent = KBrainWash::WILL_POINTS_VARIANCE_PERCENT
      user_var = rand(user.will * percent / 100)
      self_var = rand(@will * percent / 100)
      user_var.send(:-@) if rand(4) % 2 == 0
      self_var.send(:-@) if rand(4) % 2 == 0
      total = user.will * + user_var - power * @int - self_var
      effective = (total > 0 and user.class != self.class)
      if effective
        state = $data_states[KBrainWash::STATE_ID]
        @animation_id = state.animation_id
        @animation_id = KBrainWash::FAIL_ANIME_ID
      return effective
    kyon_brainwash_gm_battler_se(user, skill)
  def brainwashed?() @states.include?(KBrainWash::STATE_ID) end

class Game_Actor
  def kind() :actor end

class Game_Enemy
  def kind() :enemy end

class Scene_Battle
  alias :kyon_brainwash_sbattle_stb :set_target_battlers
  def set_target_battlers(scope)
    if !@active_battler.brainwashed? or KBrainWash.ignore?
      return kyon_brainwash_sbattle_stb(scope)
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        @target_battlers << $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)
      when 2  # all enemies
        for target in $game_troop.enemies
          next unless target.exist?
          @target_battlers << target
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        @target_battlers << $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
      when 4  # all allies
        for target in $game_party.actors
          next unless target.exist?
          @target_battlers << target
    elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for target in $game_party.actors
          next unless target.exist?
          @target_battlers << target
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for target in $game_troop.enemies
          next unless target.exist?
          @target_battlers << target

Terms & Conditions

You must include my nickname and the current website's URL in your game credits.
You are free to use it in non commercial games.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
To nil or not to nil? Laughing

Well, guys, it seems I didn't take care of a minor detail... one that ended up making your demos crash because there was no selectable battler at that point. Laughing Don't worry, my fiends! Shocked I've come back to smash that obnoxious bug for you! Now you should be able to properly test it as much as you wanna do that. Still, I wonder why nobody noticed it... Sarcasm