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KPocket XP
version 1.0.6

by Kyonides


Force the player to keep a reduced inventory while in battle! Shocked
Of course, the player may choose which items he or she will pack in his or her pocket. Laughing  
It is possible to call the Pocket menu from the Item menu or the map! Grinning  For more information, please read the comments I have included in my script.

Terms & Conditions

You must include my nickname and the current website's URL in your game credits.
Do not repost it anywhere else!
Free for non commercial games.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
A Minor Bug Fix Has Arrived!

Well, it seems my pocket had a hole I hadn't noticed till recently. Confused Don't worry, my fellow forumers! Grinning I have returned to quickly publish a bug fix! Laughing

Happy Game Testing!
Sudden Crash: Return of the Bug

Well, it seems the previous version didn't prevent the script from looking for a non existing item when the pocket menu was active. That's why I had to come back and publish a fix in no time. Happy with a sweat I hope everything runs smoothly from now on.
Sudden Crash: The Bug Strikes Back

It seems that such a nasty bug didn't like what I did to its game killer mechanism. Laughing Don't worry! Shocked I managed to exterminate it for good! Grinning Now you can even get a basic window to display some help information regarding buttons. Grinning
Sudden Crash: The Buggy Menace

Fine! Sarcasm I gotta admit I left out a few "minor" details in an attempt to release a working version of my script. Happy with a sweat Seriously, you should not worry anymore! Shocked I really killed as many bugs as I could find (or let others do the job of meeting them in person... Laughing )

So feel free to enjoy my script now! Grinning
Invading the VX World

I guess you know what's next... An announcement concerning my habit of posting scripts even on Sunday. Laughing + Tongue sticking out Well, I could not end this week without offering you a port to VX engine. Laughing By the way... Confused I also had to update the XP version because I forgot to delete a call to a print function... Happy with a sweat