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Save-Point - 아이템 설명을 확장하고 싶어요


Full Version: 아이템 설명을 확장하고 싶어요
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Hello friends! :XD: :XD: 
The first snow fell! It's getting colder. Be careful of cold! I already have a cold XDXDXD

Main subject)
Do you have an item description extension script? I can't find it even though I searched on Google.
((The translator may be weird!))

[Image: H0JdHPs.png]
What I want is roughly what the image says. XD (I edited it a bit in Photoshop.)
I want to add an image and description of the item I specified in the script. I tried it for a week, but it's too difficult for me! _(

I know what I'm asking for is ridiculous. But can you give me some advice or help?
Well, zlsl, take a look at this topic of mine and tell me what you think about it.


It's quite sunny around here... Laughing + Tongue sticking out
'm unfamiliar with forum features I've never used. I'll say sorry if there was a mistake in my reply. :(

Too amazing! The reward of my weekly effort is to kyonides ...! I'll bow to where my friend is! Blushing + Cheery Very cheery
The script works so perfectly!<3<3<3
Yeah... some unknown wolf packed with thousands of fleas passed by to tell me there might be a need for a version handling skills instead... =_= People never wanna give us scripters a break it seems.
=_= ---- I don't have fleas.