11-25-2019, 12:30 AM
Enemy Challenge for Experience
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
Tired of letting gamers grind away hours fighting weaker monsters so they can level themselves up? Do you want to make sure they may only increase their character's levels by fighting monsters tough enough to give them a real threat? Then this script is for you.
Inspired by a feature from iishenron's RPGMaker 2000 game "Three the Hard Way", this system calculates the combined statistics of every enemy in a troop to that of the heroes in the party. And as long as the enemy is not too weak, the party gets experience for the enemy's defeat.
VANCE*: "But if I decide to spend the next two years fighting slimes to build myself up..."
* The main hero of "Three the Hard Way"
Clearly, this is not going to happen with this script.
The Main Script
# ** Enemy Challenge for Experience
# version 1.0
# by DerVVulfman
# 11-24-2019 (MM-DD-YYYY)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# Tired of letting gamers grind away hours fighting weaker monsters so they
# can level themselves up? Do you want to make sure they may only increase
# their character's levels by fighting monsters tough enough to give them a
# real threat? Then this script is for you.
# Inspired by a feature from iishenron's RPGMaker 2000 game "Three the Hard
# Way", this system calculates the combined statistics of every enemy in a
# troop to that of the heroes in the party. And as long as the enemy is
# not too weak, the party gets experience for the enemy's defeat.
# VANCE*: "But if I decide to spend the next two years fighting slimes to
# build myself up..."
# *The main hero of "Three the Hard Way"
# Clearly, this is not going to happen with this script.
# If you are not using a custom battlesystem or script that alters the main
# method of Scene_Battle, paste this script below Scene_Debug and above
# main. And then paste the example 'patch' below this script.
# If you are using a custom battlesystem or you have a script that alters
# Scene_Battle, place this script and the patch below the custom battle-
# system script.
# Please note that the fore-mentioned 'patch' is a copy of Scene_Battle's
# own 'start_phase5' method with the simplest of edits. There is only one
# added line within the patch (not including the comments). This one line
# eliminates any exp point gain if the troop isn't enough of a challenge.
# If it is not possible to use this patch because your custom battlesystem
# alters this method, just insert the below code into your custom battle-
# system script after the point where the enemy's experience point s have
# been totaled, but before the heroes gain the experience:
# # Erase Exp Gain if not a challenge
# exp = 0 unless @e_stat_challenge == true
# This would be the only direct edit you would need.
# The system is based heavily upon automation. In that, it is designed to
# calculate the stats of your enemies and party members without any inter-
# ference. With this, only the configuration values may come into play.
# You can have pre-defined enemy stat scores rather than have the figures
# be calculated. This is done by adding a comment into the first page of
# your enemy troop. The comment is the letters 'EC' followed by the score.
# As an example, a comment of EC5300 sets the troop's stat total to 5300.
# If it is not possible to use this patch because your custom battlesystem
# Finally you can disable the system for any troop, this done by using the
# same comment system. A comment of EC-1 sets the troop stat total to -1
# and thus tells the system to ignore stat comparisons.
# The 'EChallenge' module has the values which you would need to alter
# to suit your tastes.
# * DEBUG_SHOW: This basically just turns on/off a pop-up window
# showing your party's accumulated stat score versus
# the stat score of the enemy encountered.
# * SKILLS: This enables/disables the system that determines if
# enemy and actor skills are used in the calculations.
# * MULTIPLIER: This allows you to increase the enemy's accumulated
# stat score befor it is compared to the actor's. This
# way, weaker enemies may still be viable for exp point
# gain. DEFAULT set to 1.5
# * ENEMY_SKILL_MULT: This allows you to increase the calculated skill
# power score for your enemies before it is added to
# their total accumulated score.
# * ACTOR_SKILL_MULT: This allows you to increase the calculated skill
# power score for your actors before it is added to
# their total accumulated score.
# Thanks to iishenron for the inspiration for this system.
# Free for use, even within commercial products. Due credit is required.
module EChallenge
DEBUG_SHOW = false # If you see the comparison at battle start
SKILLS = true # If actor/enemy skills are even counted
MULTIPLIER = 1.5 # Basic multiplier for enemy
ENEMY_SKILL_MULT = 1.5 # Increase/decrease in points for enemy skill
ACTOR_SKILL_MULT = 1.0 # Increase/decrease in points for actor skill
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :weapon_id # weapon ID
attr_accessor :armor1_id # shield ID
attr_accessor :armor2_id # helmet ID
attr_accessor :armor3_id # body armor ID
attr_accessor :armor4_id # accessory ID
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Start After Battle Phase
alias enemychallenge_battle_main main
# * Main Processing
def main
# Run enemy stat comparizon
# Perform the original call
# * Actor / Enemy Comparative Stats
def comparative_stats
# Iniitalize values
enemy_stats = 0
actor_stats = 0
# Acquire Troop Data
troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
troop = $data_troops[troop_id]
# Use a comment for the stat challenge value
page = troop.pages[0]
list = page.list
for items in list
if items.code == 108
param = items.parameters
param_text = param[0].upcase
if param_text.slice(0,2) == "EC"
len = (param_text.length) - 2
enemy_stats = (param_text.slice(2,len)).to_i
# If the predefined comment is -1 (the system is ignored)
if enemy_stats == -1
if EChallenge::DEBUG_SHOW == true
text = "Challenge is ignored"
print text
@e_stat_challenge = true
# If no predefined comment
if enemy_stats == 0
skill_mult = EChallenge::ENEMY_SKILL_MULT
enemy_stats = comparative_stats_enemy(troop, skill_mult)
# Acquire active/living party member stats
skill_mult = EChallenge::ACTOR_SKILL_MULT
actor_stats = comparative_stats_actor(skill_mult)
# Display a popup showing enemy/actor points and if a challenge
if EChallenge::DEBUG_SHOW == true
text = "Enemy: " + (enemy_stats.to_s) + " / Actor: " + (actor_stats.to_s)
text += "\nThis is a challenge" if enemy_stats >= actor_stats
print text
# Now Compare stats
@e_stat_challenge = false
@e_stat_challenge = true if enemy_stats >= actor_stats
# * Actor / Enemy Comparative Stats : Troop Version
# troop : enemy troop
# skill_mult : enemy's multiplier value for skill power
def comparative_stats_enemy(troop, skill_mult=1.0)
total_stats = 0
stat = 0
sklstat = 0
# Acquire troop enemy stats
for i in 0...troop.members.size
enemy = $data_enemies[troop.members[i].enemy_id]
next if enemy.nil?
stat += enemy.str
stat += enemy.dex
stat += enemy.agi
stat += enemy.int
stat += enemy.atk
stat += enemy.pdef
stat += enemy.mdef
stat += enemy.maxhp
stat += enemy.maxsp
next unless EChallenge::ACTOR_SKILL_MULT == true
# Special: Acquire skill power
for action in enemy.actions
next unless action.kind == 1
skill = action.skill_id
next if skill.nil?
next if $data_skills[skill].nil?
power = $data_skills[skill].power
sklstat += power if power > 0
# Multiplier for Enemy Skill Power
sklstat *= skill_mult
# Combine all enemy stats
total_stats += stat + sklstat
total_stats *= EChallenge::MULTIPLIER
return total_stats
# * Actor / Enemy Comparative Stats : Troop Version
# skill_mult : enemy's multiplier value for skill power
def comparative_stats_actor(skill_mult=1.0)
total_stats = 0
stat = 0
sklstat = 0
# Acquire active/living party member stats
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
actor = $game_party.actors[i]
next if actor.nil?
next if actor.dead?
# Remove equipment to compare base stats
armor1_temp = actor.armor1_id
armor2_temp = actor.armor2_id
armor3_temp = actor.armor3_id
armor4_temp = actor.armor4_id
weapon_temp = actor.weapon_id
actor.armor1_id = 0
actor.armor2_id = 0
actor.armor3_id = 0
actor.armor4_id = 0
actor.weapon_id = 0
# Get base stats
stat += actor.str
stat += actor.dex
stat += actor.agi
stat += actor.int
stat += actor.atk
stat += actor.pdef
stat += actor.mdef
stat += actor.maxhp
stat += actor.maxsp
# Reapply equipment
actor.armor1_id = armor1_temp
actor.armor2_id = armor2_temp
actor.armor3_id = armor3_temp
actor.armor4_id = armor4_temp
actor.weapon_id = weapon_temp
next unless EChallenge::ACTOR_SKILL_MULT == true
# Special: Acquire skill power
for skill in actor.skills
next if skill.nil?
next if $data_skills[skill].nil?
power = $data_skills[skill].power
sklstat += power if power > 0
# Multiplier for Enemy Skill Power
sklstat *= skill_mult
# Combine all enemy stats
total_stats += stat + sklstat
return total_stats
The Patch (if you don't perform a direct edit)
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Start After Battle Phase
def start_phase5
# Shift to phase 5
@phase = 5
# Play battle end ME
# Return to BGM before battle started
# Initialize EXP, amount of gold, and treasure
exp = 0
gold = 0
treasures = []
# Loop
for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
# If enemy is not hidden
unless enemy.hidden
# Add EXP and amount of gold obtained
exp += enemy.exp
gold += enemy.gold
# Determine if treasure appears
if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
if enemy.item_id > 0
if enemy.weapon_id > 0
if enemy.armor_id > 0
# Erase Exp Gain if not a challenge
# =================================
exp = 0 unless @e_stat_challenge == true
# Treasure is limited to a maximum of 6 items
treasures = treasures[0..5]
# Obtaining EXP
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
actor = $game_party.actors[i]
if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
last_level = actor.level
actor.exp += exp
if actor.level > last_level
# Obtaining gold
# Obtaining treasure
for item in treasures
case item
when RPG::Item
$game_party.gain_item(item.id, 1)
when RPG::Weapon
$game_party.gain_weapon(item.id, 1)
when RPG::Armor
$game_party.gain_armor(item.id, 1)
# Make battle result window
@result_window = Window_BattleResult.new(exp, gold, treasures)
# Set wait count
@phase5_wait_count = 100
Built into the script.
Before calculating party member stats, it removes all 'gear' from the actors. So the actor stats calculated are before adding any bonuses from armor or weapons.
Designed primarily for RPGMaker XP. The main script only aliases the main system. The patch alters a method in Scene_Battle. But as stated, it only adds a single functioning line which anyone can add into their own custom system.
Credits and Thanks
Thanks to iishenron for the basic concept.
Credits and Thanks
Free for use, even within commercial products. Due credit is required.