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[Image: Exclusive1.png]

HiddenScript Extractor
v1.0.2 and 1.0.3

by Kyonides Arkanthes


This tool only lets you extract RGSS related scripts from their original containers. It places them in the Scripts folder and leaves a scripts list.txt file where you can check the other they were extracted. What's good about this tool? It looks pretty much like your beloved HiddenChest Engine! Laughing

[Image: hiddenscript-extractor01.jpg]

Technical Details

This tool has a native resolution of 1088*608 px... If that reminds you of a certain dreamer... Well, t's mere coincidence! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
It's only an extractor, not a compressor of any kind. Happy with a sweat
The tool will not process anything unless the Scripts directory has been deleted by the user himself or herself.
So this way you can't blame me for deleting your beloved scripts! Laughing
It will show you a warning message in case you forgot you needed some darn Scripts.extension file to decrypt. Laughing  
HiddenScript Extractor is NOT a Player Engine! Confused

Since version 1.0.3 it runs on Ruby 2.7! Shocked


It's already available for *Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04, Mint, Fedora 31 and Windows!
Give me some time to build a Windows version... Done!

Download Section

Just go back to HiddenChest Engine thread to find the link. Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Terms & Conditions

Free for personal use only but don't be abusive! Very happy + Tongue sticking out 
You're NOT allowed to repost this or even mention this tool on other forums or websites! Angry
As of today it's a forum exclusive resource or tool. Shocked
Use it under your own risk! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

[Image: Exclusive1.png]
=_= Bumping Due to Game_Actor's Rebellious Nature =_=

Blame Aluxes for this bug! Angry

Guess what, guys? Happy with a sweat I just noticed that the decoder buffer size was not large enough to parse the default Game_Actor class because it has around 22000 characters! Shocked So I had to update all versions of HiddenScript Extractor after I had raised its buffer limit up to 65000 characters approximately... I hope I won't need to raise it anymore. Confused

Happy Script Testing! Laughing
A Bump with Some Default Directories Included!

Since version 1.0.2 all builds of HiddenScript Extractor create directories inside the Scripts folder a la scripts posted by our fellow forumer the doge! Shocked

Warning! It won't create new directories for Custom Scripts!

I also had to made a slight change in the Windows build to ensure it would not take a single newline as two of them. Confused 
On Linux you only need a "\n" newline symbol to tell the program it needs to jump to the next line, but on Windows the Ruby DLL read both some "\r" and the usual "\n". Yeap, that might appear as if a script needed twice as many lines as on the script editor... Laughing 

I hope I didn't mess with Windows way to open those rb files, but the default Notepad application usually sucks anyway. Laughing + Tongue sticking out So I recommend using other "pads" like Notepad++ or Atom or any other editor.

Happy Extracted Fun! Laughing

I finally had the time to test HSC, on Windows. It successfully extracts the Scripts in folders & subfolders, everything just work fine.
Do you plan to make a tool to repack the extracted (and modified) Scripts into a RM workable file?  Happy with a sweat

I see that in the current state, it may be possible, with a little work, to exploit the Scripts in the .rb format that HSC extracts and to work with them by loading the .rb files, like it's done in the scripts-externalizer. It'd allow a nice workflow, making the game tests faster for the RM-user/dev.

But there is no way for the moment to rebuild the .rxdata with the "Scripts" folder with your system. 
I think it would be useful to have this possibility, to repack scripts in order to make demo releases, or stuff like that.

Thank you for your great work, it's really awesome.  Very happy + Tongue sticking out
HiddenScript Extractor And Ruby Updates

Since I had upgraded my Kubuntu workstation, I had to compile it against its 20.04 LTS release so it will run on Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and probably even Mint if they are running the latest version of those OS's. Laughing 

This means it has reached the 1.0.3 milestone! Shocked
You should also know it now runs on Ruby 2.7! Grinning

I guess it is about time to resume any of my pending... experiments. Mad Scientist

Go break a leg! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
Or catch Corona-Chan if you can! Laughing
These are just some friendly suggestions from the deep waters. Winking