
Full Version: Impeach Your Least-Liked Character!
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MonstUS Party, For the Monster in All of Us.
Monsters have feelings too. Like hunger. And hatred for Aluxes/Ash/Arshes. But don't we all?

Here in the MonstUS Party, we fight for monters everywhere to find their place in society, at the top of the food chain.
Impeach Me!
Kustom Town Chapter

[Image: impeachme-kustomtown.jpg]

The intro map is the only thing I managed to script as of today. Sad I hope sleep won't stop me from further developing this strange game full of candidates, elections, impeachments and perhaps even espionage! Grinning

I think the game title is fine... Confused
Did You Ever Think I Would Forget About This!?

Well, I wouldn't blame you for it. Since I underwent some surgery I was busy dealing with other stuff and I just didn't feel the hype we all know very well to make a game at all. Laughing

But at the same time you were wrong! Grinning  

Kustom Town kind of Mayoral Debate Has Made Its Comeback! Shocked

Let's peak on it for a little while, guys! Grinning

[Image: Mayoral-Debate001.jpg]

Well, what did you expect? Happy with a sweat We need to pay due respect to our sponsors. Laughing

[Image: Mayoral-Debate002.jpg]

How nervous I am! Happy with a sweat I have no clue what kind of action plan he's gonna propose next. Confused

[Image: Mayoral-Debate003.jpg]

That gotta be the quintessence of eternal health for sure! Tongue sticking out
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