
Full Version: Windows 7 is a Burden!
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Compatibility issues may not only be the software, but the hardware which it must connect as well as various databases it must connect. Specialized hardware would also need unique drivers for the newer operating systems,. And if it needs to connect to an offsite network, said network must also be made compatible.

I can attest that it took at least one year for a point-of-sales system designed to work with a multi-state police database took one year to be made compliant with Windows 8. And even then, the hardware the point-of-sales system uses (scanners, receipt and label, drawer services) was quite specific and no current drivers for the hardware were available for months.

Then again, certain industries may wish to cut costs and continue what they are using.
(02-19-2020, 08:47 AM)KDC Wrote: [ -> ]That.... might actually be an issue. Since they still use Windows 7, that means that the programs they use might not be compatible to Windows 10.

Forget compatibility with Windows 10; some applications wouldn't even necessarily be forward compatible with Windows 8.1...
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