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The Game-Changing Virus

Written by Kyonides

Chapter I: The Surprise

The coronaviruses have been one of the worst families in history. They do not visit us quite often but when they do, people always get involved against their will. If they were human, they would be called serial killers by any police force on Earth. That is exactly why they are worse than murderers, the viruses do not make mistakes as human beings do so we can take advantage of such flaw. Their disappearance might be attributed to good luck or the Providence more than a vaccine.

I would not dare to disregard the laboratories’ efforts to produce the badly needed cure, it is just that we cannot completely trust them. Even if they find the cure, it might be too expensive for poor countries or they might prefer to distribute it in developed countries first, leaving the rest of the world in danger of facing a epidemic they cannot fully control. Money makes tough decisions against common sense’s or good will’s attempts to be democratic.

Several decades ago there was a Costa Rican president that spoke like a real madman. He once stated that the world desperately needed World War III because it was overcrowded. If he were living nowadays and were able launch missiles, he might not think it twice before pressing the red button and erasing any trace of civilization in a foreign country. That was the kind of leader his children idolize and his partisans adore. Don Pepe also robbed four million colones back then, a sum consider to be quite a large one in those times where you could by a good car with five thousand colones only. His followers fail to recall that part of the country’s history for some mysterious reason…

Now bring that little story to the XXI century and imagine how many Westerners started suspecting China was behind the second SARS strain that took the world by surprise. I do not blame them, I might be one of its supporters after all, he, he. Since the Chinese government always hides its criminal activities unless they hate a fellow communist leader, it is a rare sight to find any headline telling us they are arresting or executing a partisan for stealing large sums of public funds or sending minorities to concentration camps for the so called re-education “they urgently need” that teaches them how to blindly accept Beijing’s orders without question.

Every single time Chinese politicians complain about racism or exclusion, I think about all those Taiwanese and Uighurs that are not free to live they way they want to because China never fails to block their path, to prevent them from accessing services or getting represented adequately and to punish them harshly just because they are not Han. They export deadly deceases and blame other countries for doing anything they can do to stop the virus spread. Why do they not improve their health system coverage before they start criticizing other nations?

Do not worry, I do not care if China declares me as a public enemy for exposing their wrongs. Japan or South Korea are better destinations by far. You are free to add a smiling face emoticon here.

No, Chinese are not the only irresponsible country out there, Mexico could be the second most irresponsible land for spreading viruses. Why do I make such a virulent claim? It is because my own country was exposed to the swine flu thanks to Mexican tourists and residents that arrived at the Costa Rican airport without getting tested in their own country for the flu. A few people passed away because of our government’s good faith.

I know, Mexicans yelled for the way they were mistreated even in China. What an incredible irony, do you not think? The sad truth is that it was their own fault, they did not care about hygiene, at least not enough as to prevent their citizens from infecting innocent people. Sometimes I strongly believe they should be sued for their blatant negligence. Mexico is not Nigeria or Uganda where politicians are so corrupt as to order the killing of any specific ethnic group and they got oil that which gains can be invested in public health so they got no valid excuse not to test people’s health whenever a health warning has been issued locally or worldwide.

Now here comes the part that will make you think I am a first degree hypocrite of sorts and I would not mind at all. You see, I had been convinced a few years ago of carrying a extremely dangerous virus to kill a dangerous person, one that some group of experts on politics, religion and other matters had labeled as a potential candidate for the title of the Antichrist. I was promised to be immune to this new virus for it had been genetically engineered in a highly specialized laboratory in a way that would only infect that guy and his family. Actually I still got to check out if that is true…

From quite some time I have been suspecting failure is almost guaranteed in our case so I do not expect to succeed the first time I meet our target. That will not stop me from trying to infect any of his family members a second or third even tenth time. You see, even my own decease should not be an obstacle, another candidate might soon follow my steps. I am pretty sure of that, we have got a very strong conviction. We will not desist under any dire circumstances until we get rid of all those menaces to our long-awaited world peace.

Every other weekend I go to bed and feel so uncomfortable with the very idea of… Nevermind, a neighbor I definitely hate has arrived. It is better for your servitor to abruptly stop writing about this for the time being. We never ever know when he or his couple will activate their listening device to spy on my computer or phone calls, again. 

Pardon me, my readers! It was a false alarm so to say. No, I was right about him, it is just that he did not stay long enough to keep me from using my fingers as my deadly pens. You got to be right if you think my hands will be tainted in red. Nope, I am not saying I will start a bloodshed, I just hate when my friend uses my computer to send some urgent email whenever her WiFi connection sucks. You see, she loves to sport her flashy red nails, he, he.

To Be Continued...

Confused Someday I guess...
Chapter II: First Talks

Was I one of the founders of this new underground movement? Nope, I was not even close to becoming a founding member at all. To be honest with you, my dear readers, I wish I had been one of them and I would be proud of it, really. You could say I was a little bit unlucky. Probably I was not ready to join them or I would have screwed it up for being quite impatient at that point. Hey! Who would not like to kick the Antichrist’s ass and become a hero? Such an uncontrollable hype might have become my very own perdition as I was taught by my trustworthy advisors later on.

Usually I would have rejected proposals involving taking somebody else’s life and I will not judge you for thinking that is a bad thing, a sin. Actually you would be right about that and I would respect your opinion or belief no matter what. That did not and will not deter my plans from going to infect the bad guys at any given time and keep a hidden ace under my sleeve.

Call me an extremist if you want to, I do not care. For years I have done nothing whenever I personally had to face danger or my country sadly went through one serious crisis after another. Normally I would simply criticize the government or complain about some significant rise in the crime rate. Other people every so often shared their opinions and possible plans to deal with such issues. Nevertheless, our personalities clashed and we never reached an agreement on who should lead the group or community.

Just as you should have foreseen it by now, there were those typical partisans that could be asked to jump off the cliff and they would follow their party leadership’s command to the letter. One of them prefer to keep supporting them even if they wasted money on stupid projects like filling the sidewalks with unneeded bollard barriers, some of them even blocked a few garage exits. Their weird attitude, their blindness made me feel isolated once again, the obscure grudge I had been holding in an unknown part of my troubled heart just kept growing out of control.

It was quite clear at that moment that my patience would not last long enough without getting some serious help and I got to admit I could have made several terrible mistakes one after another. You know, rotting in a forgotten cell might offer you a great opportunity to remember every stupid decision you took to rub it in your sorry face over and over again. That changed when I met some guy that told me about some meeting he would be attending later on that month.

“Really, you will stop yelling at people and start doing something to fix this rotten world” was his catch phrase indeed. I would have ignored that poor idiot’s words at once but something I could not explain would soon change my mind.

I stared at him and told him “you see, you’re just a fool trying to find another fool willing to work for you for free!” Self confidence made me think he could not get out of that one ever.

“OK! OK! I know that there’s something quite important for us at stake here, that doesn’t mean we ain’t ready for making personal sacrifices in the process” he replied back as if his counter argument were good enough to persuade the average joe of jumping on their mad train. At the end it was what he did not say what caught my attention, he handed over a card with name I never expected to find printed on it ever.

To Be Continued...

[Image: confused.gif] If my inspiration ever comes back...
Chapter III: Face to Muzzle?

Eight or nine months had passed away or that is how things looked like after I had joined a secret team aimed at sweeping the Antichrist from the face of earth. My routine was boring as hell, eternal meetings, briefings on the latest newspapers’ headings and all the unbearable stuff you could think off had become part of my intellectual diet. I had reached a point where I was growing desperate for some slice of fatty and juicy meat. Actual food did not make it any easy for me to stay awake and focus on the task at hand, their hands to be precise.

Not long ago we had learned about advent of SARS’s cousin in China and read about a book full of predictions supposedly authored by some tele-scammer of sorts. Probably, he needed to buy another villa or jet. Who knows? He might have funded the virus research he discussed on it which lead to the current global crisis. Is that or a French idiot provided the Chinese with all the equipment to develop their worst weapon in existence.

What is the invisible link I have found between him and that surreptitious coronavirus? That is a hard question to be answered in a satisfactory way indeed! For now the only thing I can tell you is that a Brazilian aide went ahead with very own agenda, despite some dire warnings telling him otherwise. For the last couple of months I had thought his target would be the Brazilian President. The worst of all is that I was totally wrong and he managed to get quite close to his actual target. It took me over a day to figure it all out, he was after the senior leadership of America itself!

How dare you, gross slime! You had to consult it with your local lieutenant before you ever came up with any specific plot to assassinate them. Why did you ever pick that old loudmouth? Right, please forget I had ever mentioned that. I really need you to keep it secret for me.

Everything makes me definitely think now that we got no chance to take down our real target for he has taught the authorities how we do operate undercover and what kind of methods we might employ in a real case scenario to overcome the target’s security teams with ease. I would sincerely apologize, even on television, for that operative’s sad mistake if it were not because I knew for sure I could be treated as the main suspect in their undergoing investigation.

You would not guess who were already barking at my door… It was the Bureau itself!

To be Continued...

The day I can keep writing without falling asleep. Laughing + Tongue sticking out