05-02-2020, 05:24 PM
Fighting for a New World Sideview ATB
Version: 1
Version: 1
A few people has asked about my Ren'Py codes and since there really isn't anything out in the Wild about Battle-systems, I will share mine. I will continue to upgrade this once new add-ons are available.
- Skill Cooldowns
- Buffs & Debuffs
Flinch (Causes Battle Speed Points to Reset)
Interupt (Interupts Casting)
- Use of Items
- Casting
- Equipment
- Level Up System
- AI Enemies
- Skill Tree
- Overdrive System
[amoff]Here is my Stash where I keep the Screenshots.[/amoff]
[amoff]Demo Here on DA[/amoff]
Place in your default project folder to view in Renpy.
Currently none right now.
Coded in Renpy 7.2.1. Older Versions May or May not run it.
Credits and Thanks
I like to thank Thomas, a friend of my husband, in helping me with some of the python code. And I also thank Studio-Mizuki for writing bare bone code of the Battle System.
Author's Notes
Everything still a work in progress. I have to change the code to where people can easily edit it if they needed and also adding comments explaining what some of the code does.
Terms and Conditions
The Basic Code is 'Free for Commercial Use', but the graphic used are not. When using the script, give credit to TsunamiJurai and Studio-Mizuki.