07-07-2020, 09:47 PM
Kichi's Kached Audio
Version: 1.2
![[Image: Eb6tpGA.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Eb6tpGA.png)
Version: 1.2
![[Image: Eb6tpGA.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Eb6tpGA.png)
This system is designed with the purpose of protecting your game's music and audio files, giving them a minor encryption using the same data structure as RPGMaker XP's innate system, storing them within the game's Data folder, and allowing them to be compressed/encrypted within the .rgsaad file.
- Gives a level of protection towards your audio files
- Places them within your Data Folder and permits rxdata compression
- Audio files take slightly longer to load based on filesize
- Minor increase in cached file size by approximately 1.18 percent
- Audio saved in the Data folder cannot be played in the Editor, game only*
- During playback, original file is temporarily 'restored' in the root folder... but PROTECTED from copying anyway.
* Caching audio files makes valid .rxdata copies within your Data folder, and does not erase the originals. Original audio files within the Audio folder may still be played.
Kached Audio
# ** Kichi's Kached Audio
# version 1.2
# by DerVVulfman
# 08-21-2023 (MM-DD-YYYY)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# This system is designed with the purpose of protecting your game's music and
# audio files, giving them a minor encryption using the same data structure as
# RPGMaker XP's innate system, storing them within the game's Data folder, and
# allowing them to be compressed/encrypted within the .rgsaad file.
# It is nearly plug and play, with only a couple minor issues that are noted.
# Positives:
# * Gives a level of protection towards your audio files
# * Places them within your Data Folder and permits rxdata compression
# Negatives:
# * Audio files take slightly longer to load based on filesize
# * Minor increase in cached file size by approximately 1.18 percent
# * Audio saved in the Data folder cannot be played in the Editor, game only
# Place this script below Scene_Debug and above Main. Use the described script
# calls to cache, monitor and/or un-cache your files.
# This system will create a series of subfolders within your project's Data
# folder, these subfolders being BGM, BGS, ME and SE. It is within these that
# your stored 'cached' audio files will be recorded in .rxdata format.
# As all audio files kept here will have the same extension, the system will
# also create the 'AudioCache.rxdata' file, this too within the Data folder.
# The AudioCache file keeps track of all cached audio files, and their file
# extensions. This is vital for both playback of all cached audio files, as
# well as un-cached file restoration if the original audio files from within
# the project's Audio folder had been accidentally erased.
# All of the cached audio files will begin with '~$' to denote and identify
# them as temporary 'owner locked' files. Initially for Microsoft Word, this
# prefix will identify these filenames for temporary usage. This was found to
# be necessary with users who have their PCs connected to cloud services.
# When first run, this system generates a new file which it saves within your
# Data folder. This file is the 'AudioCache.rxdata' data file, and its pur-
# pose is to help track your cached audio files, and stores the file exten-
# sions of your audio for proper playback. It must not be deleted, otherwise
# the system will not function.
# The default methods of play_bgm, play_bgs, play_me and play_se have been
# altered to allow the playback of audio from within the Data folder. At the
# same time, a method within the sprite class that generate battle animation
# sound effects have too been altered. These alterations allow the system
# determine if the audio files have been cached, or are still within the
# default audio folder. This is quite handy as you will not be caching any
# audio from the RTP itself, only that from your own game project.
# There isn't a built-in function that will automatically cache all of your
# audio files. If you do not have access to a custom editor which may cache
# or un-cache an audio file, I will describe the actual script calls which
# will need to use this system. Even if you have an editor, please read it.
# If you are actively done with your project and are about to compress your
# game into the .rgsaad format, you will need to toggle the RGSAAD variable
# in the below 'AudioCache' module. The script itself does not know if the
# project is or isn't compressed, and needs this switch activated if true.
# The .rxdata audio files are stored with the '~$' prefix, identifying these
# files as temporary and to be ignored by cloud services. This was necessary
# for the system to work as it temporarily extracts the audio files for play-
# back. However, this means that a variety of cloud storage services will not
# copy and save your .rxdata encrypted audio files. In this instance, you'll
# need to manually upload them into your cloud.
# * Is it cached?
# -------------
# Syntax: result = $game_system.is_cached?(file, path)
# Params: file - the filename of the audio file (no extension included)
# path - the folder path ( "BGM\", "BGS\", "ME\" or "SE\ ")
# Function: This script call will let you know if the defined audio file
# has been cached and can be found within the Data folder under
# its specifically defined path.
# * * * * *
# * Cache the audio file
# --------------------
# Syntax: $game_system.cache_audio(file, path)
# Params: file - the filename of the audio file (no extension included)
# path - the folder path ( "BGM\", "BGS\", "ME\" or "SE\ ")
# Function: This script call is used to convert its innate format into an
# rxdata format which can be cached. It stores the resulting
# file within the Data folder and its defined path, and records
# the file and its original extension in the AudioCache file.
# Once this is performed, checking the audio file with the
# is_cached? script call (above) will return a 'true' result.
# This does not delete the original file from the Audio folder.
# * * * * *
# * Read/Restore from a Cache
# -------------------------
# Syntax: $game_system.audio_cache(file, path)
# Params: file - the filename of the audio file (no extension included)
# path - the folder path ( "BGM\", "BGS\", "ME\" or "SE\ ")
# dest - (optional) a folder in which to save the audio copy
# Function: This script call reads the cached audio file from the proper
# Data folder, and converts it into its original music format
# so it may be properly played within the system. It is assumed
# that the restored file is to be deleted after playback, and
# this call does not delete the file from the data folder.
# This brings out a copy of the audio file from the Data folder
# and saves it to the described destination folder, or it will
# be saved in the project's root folder if none specified.
# * * * * *
# * Remove from the Cache
# ---------------------
# Syntax: $game_system.remove_cache(file, path)
# Params: file - the filename of the audio file (no extension included)
# path - the folder path ( "BGM\", "BGS\", "ME\" or "SE\ ")
# Function: This script call is intended to restore the cached audio file
# back to the specified Audio folder, and eliminate it from the
# specified Data folder. Along with that, it will also remove
# the file from the AudioCache list. Doing so will generate a
# 'false' return when the 'is_cached?' script call is used.
# If an audio folder (BGM, ME, etc) is empty, the folder will
# be erased. A nice little bit of cleanup duty, eh?
# Removing a cached file will overwrite any audio file within
# the project's actual Audio folder it it exists.
# When this command is used to restore the last cached audio
# file, the AudioCache.rxdata file will have been emptied. When
# that happens, the AudioCache.rxdata file will also be erased.
# You will need to restart or use the Kichi Editor to recreate
# the AudioCache file for the file extention tracking service.
# This script will obviously conflict with any other script that will modify
# the bgm_play, bgs_play, me_play and/or se_play methods within Game System,
# and will conflict with any script that alters the animation_process_timing
# method within the RPG::Sprite class that handles battle system effects.
# Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems other than the conflicts just
# described above.
# Thanks goes to Carlos_Davilla. Were not for his assistance, I would not
# have been aware of issues pertaining cloud storage systems, nor the use of
# established temporary file naming conventions to fix the issues.
# Free to use, even in commercial projects. Just note that I need some form
# of due credit, not just myself but Carlos_Davilla who assisted.
module AudioCache
RGSAAD = true # Switch to identify that that the project is encrypted
# ** RPG::Sprite
# This is a class within the RPGXP module itself that loads each of RPGXP's
# graphic formats, creates a Bitmap object, and retains it.
class RPG::Sprite < ::Sprite
# * Process Timing for animation flash and effects
# timing : timing
# hit : flag determining battle action effectiveness
def animation_process_timing(timing, hit)
if (timing.condition == 0) or
(timing.condition == 1 and hit == true) or
(timing.condition == 2 and hit == false)
if timing.se.name != ""
se = timing.se
# If we have a cached file, use cached system
if $game_system.is_cached?("~$" + se.name,"SE/")
name = "~$" + se.name
# Playback audio (not tied now to the Audio/SE folder)
Audio.se_play(name, se.volume, se.pitch)
# Acquire cached extension
ext = $game_system.get_cache_ext(name, "SE/")
# Delete temp file generated by audio_cache
File.delete(name + ext)
# Otherwise, default playback system
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + se.name, se.volume, se.pitch)
case timing.flash_scope
when 1
self.flash(timing.flash_color, timing.flash_duration * 2)
when 2
if self.viewport != nil
self.viewport.flash(timing.flash_color, timing.flash_duration * 2)
when 3
self.flash(nil, timing.flash_duration * 2)
# ** Game_System
# This class handles data surrounding the system. Background music, etc.
# is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_System
# * Alias Listings
alias dvv_game_system_cache_audio_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Set up the audio cache data file
# * Play Background Sound
# bgs : background sound to be played
def bgm_play(bgm)
@playing_bgm = bgm
if bgm != nil and bgm.name != ""
# If we have a cached file, use cached system
if is_cached?("~$" + bgm.name,"BGM/")
name = "~$" + bgm.name
# Playback audio (not tied now to the Audio/BGM folder)
Audio.bgm_play(name, bgm.volume, bgm.pitch)
# Acquire cached extension
ext = get_cache_ext(name, "BGM/")
# Delete temp file generated by audio_cache
File.delete(name + ext)
# Otherwise, default playback system
Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + bgm.name, bgm.volume, bgm.pitch)
# * Play Background Sound
# bgs : background sound to be played
def bgs_play(bgs)
@playing_bgs = bgs
if bgs != nil and bgs.name != ""
# If we have a cached file, use cached system
if is_cached?("~$" + bgs.name,"BGS/")
name = "~$" + bgs.name
# Playback audio (not tied now to the Audio/BGS folder)
Audio.bgs_play(name, bgs.volume, bgs.pitch)
# Acquire cached extension
ext = get_cache_ext(name, "BGS/")
# Delete temp file generated by audio_cache
File.delete(name + ext)
# Otherwise, default playback system
Audio.bgs_play("Audio/BGS/" + bgs.name, bgs.volume, bgs.pitch)
# * Play Music Effect
# me : music effect to be played
def me_play(me)
if me != nil and me.name != ""
# If we have a cached file, use cached system
if is_cached?("~$" + me.name,"ME/")
name = "~$" + me.name
# Playback audio (not tied now to the Audio/ME folder)
Audio.me_play(name, me.volume, me.pitch)
# Acquire cached extension
ext = get_cache_ext(name, "ME/")
# Delete temp file generated by audio_cache
File.delete(name + ext)
# Otherwise, default playback system
Audio.me_play("Audio/ME/" + me.name, me.volume, me.pitch)
# * Play Sound Effect
# se : sound effect to be played
def se_play(se)
if se != nil and se.name != ""
# If we have a cached file, use cached system
if is_cached?("~$" + se.name,"SE/")
name = "~$" + se.name
# Playback audio (not tied now to the Audio/SE folder)
Audio.se_play(name, se.volume, se.pitch)
# Acquire cached extension
ext = get_cache_ext(name, "SE/")
# Delete temp file generated by audio_cache
File.delete(name + ext)
# Otherwise, default playback system
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + se.name, se.volume, se.pitch)
# * Cache Audio List Initialization
def initialize_audio_cache
# Establish Paths
cache_path = "Data/AudioCache.rxdata"
# Generate / load cached audio data
@cache_audiolist = {}
# If a cached/encrypted game
if AudioCache::RGSAAD
# We load current data and exit, no saving done
@cache_audiolist = load_data(cache_path)
# Either load current or save new data file
if File.exists?(cache_path)
@cache_audiolist = load_data(cache_path)
save_data(@cache_audiolist, cache_path)
# * Get audio list
def cache_audiolist
# * Is file cached?
# file : audio file being tested
# path : the initial folder in the Data folder for testing
def is_cached?(file, path)
# Establish Paths
data_path = "Data/" + path
# Determine true if it exists within the cached audio list
key = data_path + file
return true if @cache_audiolist.has_key?(key)
return false
# * Cache Audio
# file : audio file to be cached
# path : the initial folder from the Audio folder, now the Data folder
def cache_audio(file, path)
# Establish Paths
cache_path = "Data/AudioCache.rxdata"
audio_path = "Audio/" + path
data_path = "Data/" + path
# Create specified data folder unless it exists
Dir.mkdir(data_path) unless File.exists?(data_path)
# Acquire file extension
ext = get_file_ext(audio_path + file)
# Load File from specified audio folder
afile = File.open(audio_path + file + ext, "rb")
audio_data = afile.readlines
file = "~$" + file
# Save File in specified data folder
save_data(audio_data, data_path + file + ".rxdata")
# Record audio extension in cached audio list
key = data_path + file
unless @cache_audiolist.has_key?(key)
@cache_audiolist[key] = ext
# Save cached audio data
save_data(@cache_audiolist, cache_path)
# * Get Audio from Cache
# file : audio file that is cached
# path : the folder within the Data folder, mirroring the Audio folder
# dest : custom audio path in which to redirect
def audio_cache(file, path, dest="")
# Establish Paths
data_path = "Data/" + path
# Acquire extension from cached audio list
ext = get_cache_ext(file, path)
# Load File from specified data folder
audio_data = load_data(data_path + file + ".rxdata")
# Perform file manipulation if possible
# Save File into folder for playback
afile = File.open(dest+file + ext, "wb")
afile.print audio_data
# Cannot open as yet
# * Remove from Cache
# file : audio file that is returned to the Audio folder (if needed)
# path : the folder within the Data folder, mirroring the Audio folder
def remove_cache(file, path)
# Establish Paths and renamed rxdata file
cache_path = "Data/AudioCache.rxdata"
audio_path = "Audio/" + path
data_path = "Data/" + path
rx_file = "~$" + file
# Acquire extension from cached audio list
ext = get_cache_ext(rx_file, path)
# Load rx audio file from the specified data folder
audio_data = load_data(data_path + rx_file + ".rxdata")
# Create the return pathway for the audio file (trims last character)
return_path = audio_path[ 0, (audio_path.length)-1 ]
# Create the audio folder and subfolders if necessary
Dir.mkdir("Audio") unless File.exists?("Audio")
Dir.mkdir(return_path) unless File.exists?(return_path)
# Perform file manipulation if possible
# Save File into folder for playback
afile = File.open(audio_path + file + ext, "wb")
afile.print audio_data
# Restoration/copying permission must be denied
p "File could not be restored within the " + return_path + " folder."
# Delete the rxdata file from specified data folder
File.delete(data_path + rx_file + ".rxdata")
# Acquire the key and erase from the cached audio list
key = data_path + rx_file
@cache_audiolist.delete(key) if @cache_audiolist.has_key?(key)
# Remove empty cached audio folders
# Eliminate AudioCache file and exit if empty
num_keys = @cache_audiolist.keys.size
return File.delete(cache_path) if num_keys == 0
# Save the updated cached audio list
save_data(@cache_audiolist, cache_path)
# * Remove empty cached audio folders
def remove_cache_pathway
# * Get the extension of an Audio folder file
# filename : filename
def get_file_ext(filename)
if FileTest.exist?(filename + ".wav")
return ".wav"
elsif FileTest.exist?(filename + ".mp3")
return ".mp3"
elsif FileTest.exist?(filename + ".ogg")
return ".ogg"
elsif FileTest.exist?(filename + ".mid")
return ".mid"
elsif FileTest.exist?(filename + ".wma")
return ".wma"
# * Get the extension of an Data folder cached file
# file : audio file that is in the Data Folder
# path : the folder within the Data folder to test
def get_cache_ext(file, path)
data_path = "Data/" + path
key = data_path + file
ext = @cache_audiolist[key]
return ext
Pretty much plug-and-play in its functions, but it does require you to use script calls to actively 'cache' audio which self-stores within the Data folder. And when you are done, use the "RGSAAD" value to let the script know it is ready for an encrypted/compressed game.
Detailed instructions are inside the script itself.
But if you need an editor for the system, a simple and easy-to-use one is available below:
Kached Audio Editor
# ** Kichi's Kached Audio Editor
# An editor for 'Kichi's Kached Audio' by DerVVulfman
# version 1.1
# by DerVVulfman
# 08-21-2023 (MM-DD-YYYY)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# Requires: Kichi's Kached Audio to function
# This is a very simple editor utilizing the arrow keys to select your chosen
# audio file which cna be cached or uncached by hitting the Enter/Select key.
# When a file is cached, it is turned into an .rxdata file and sent into the
# appropriate subfolder within your game's data folder. And when an audio
# file has been un-cached, it is removed from the data folder. All changes to
# the files are updated within the 'Cache Audio' system's 'AudioCache' data
# file. And no files are ever deleted from the project's root audio folder.
# However, un-caching a file will restore it to its spefified Audio folder,
# and may overwrite an existing audio file of the same name.
# Place this script either above or below 'Cached Audio' to function. To acti-
# vate, toggle the KACHED_AUDIO_EDITOR value to true. A false setting disables
# this script.
# The BUFFER_SIZE value is to ensure that projects with large quantities of
# does not bog down the file loading system which could result in 'script is
# hanging' errors to occur.
# Just set this to 'true' and it's turned on, or to 'false' to disable it.
# The rest of the instructions are in the menu.
# This sets how many songs/files are read before a necessary Graphics frame
# update. This to prevent 'script hanging' issues. Larger values slows
# down the system, but with better running security on editor load.
# *** The actual editor, once made fully active
# ** Game_AudioCacheEditor
# It is the MP3 player.
class Game_AudioCacheEditor
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Initialization of data
@page = 1 # Setting page to BGMs at start
@list_bgm = [] # List of BGM audio
@list_bgs = [] # List of BGS audio
@list_me = [] # List of ME audio
@list_se = [] # List of SE audio
# Generate Data Lists for each audio type
@list_bgm = list_process("BGM/")
@list_bgs = list_process("BGS/")
@list_me = list_process("ME/")
@list_se = list_process("SE/")
# Create array for List Window
@list_window = []
# Generate List Windows
@list_window[1] = Window_ACList.new(@list_bgm)
@list_window[2] = Window_ACList.new(@list_bgs)
@list_window[3] = Window_ACList.new(@list_me)
@list_window[4] = Window_ACList.new(@list_se)
# Define windows active/inactive
for i in 2..4
@list_window[i].visible = false
@list_window[i].active = false
@list_window[1].visible = true
@list_window[1].active = true
## Compilation of data window
@data_window = Window_ACData.new
@help_window = Window_ACHelp.new
# * Process List
def list_process(type)
# Initialize values based on folder type
audio_sort = "Audio/" + type + "*" # Used to acquire folder filenames
audio_pattern = /Audio\/#{type}(.*?)/ # Formerly /Audio\/BGM\/(.*?)/
data_type = "Data/" + type # To acquire Data subfolder
d_size = data_type.size # To slice point in name
# Create arrays for data acquisition
inituncached = []
initcached = []
temp = []
result = []
# Reset the buffer
buffer = 0
# Generate uncached data list
for name in Dir[audio_sort]
# Handle buffer
buffer += 1
if buffer > BUFFER_SIZE
buffer = 0
# Acquire name from Directory
tempname = name.sub(audio_pattern) { $1 }
next unless init_extensions?(tempname)
# Generate cached data
for key in $game_system.cache_audiolist
# Handle buffer
buffer += 1
if buffer > BUFFER_SIZE
buffer = 0
tempname = key[0]
next unless tempname[0,d_size] == data_type
tempname = key[0]
tempname = tempname[d_size,(tempname.size)-d_size]
tempname = tempname + key[1]
audio_filename = tempname.delete "~$"
# Eliminate cached files from uncached list
for name in inituncached
temp.push(name) unless initcached.include?(name)
# Push names as arrays with binary tags (0 = uncached, 1 = cached)
for name in initcached
result.push( [name,1] )
for name in temp
result.push( [name,0] )
# Sort list and return
return result
# * Test for file extension
def init_extensions?(name)
effective = false
effective = true if name[(name.size)-4,4] == ".mid"
effective = true if name[(name.size)-4,4] == ".mp3"
effective = true if name[(name.size)-4,4] == ".ogg"
effective = true if name[(name.size)-4,4] == ".wav"
effective = true if name[(name.size)-4,4] == ".wma"
return effective
# * Frame Update
def update
@oldpage = @page if @oldpage.nil?
# Update windows
# If in active list
update_list if @list_window[@page].active
# Acquire list index
@idx = @list_window[@page].index
# Update Data window when scrolling
if @name != @list_window[@page].item(@idx)[0]
@name = @list_window[@page].item(@idx)[0]
@state = @list_window[@page].item(@idx)[1]
@data_window.refresh(@page, @name, @state)
# * Frame Update : when list window is active
def update_list
# Handle page change
return if update_list_decision?
# * Frame Update : when list window is active - changing pages
def update_list_paging
if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
@page -= 1
@page = 4 if @page == 0
if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
@page += 1
@page = 1 if @page == 5
if @oldpage != @page
@list_window[@oldpage].visible = false
@list_window[@oldpage].active = false
@list_window[@page].visible = true
@list_window[@page].active = true
@oldpage = @page
@data_window.refresh(@page, @name, @state)
# * Frame Update : when list window is active - hitting Enter/Select
def update_list_decision?
# Exit unless hitting Enter/Select
return false unless Input.trigger?(Input::C)
# Play Decision SE
# Choose Path for Cache System
case @page
when 1 ; path = "BGM/"
when 2 ; path = "BGS/"
when 3 ; path = "ME/"
when 4 ; path = "SE/"
# If State is already cached
if @state == 1
# Get filename without extension, uncache, and change state
file = @name[0,(@name.size)-4]
$game_system.remove_cache(file, path)
@state = 0
# Otherwise, state is not cached
# Get filename without extension, cache, and change state
file = @name[0,(@name.size)-4]
$game_system.cache_audio(file, path)
@state = 1
# Change State in the current list and update data window
@list_window[@page].item(@idx)[1] = @state
@data_window.refresh(@page, @name, @state)
return true
# ** Window_ACList
# It is the window which lists all of the audio files within your project's
# Audio folder or Data cached folder.
class Window_ACList < Window_Selectable
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(list)
super(64, 64, 256, 352)
@list = list
@item_max = @list.size
@index = 0
temp_size = @list.size
temp_size = 1 if temp_size == 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, temp_size * 32)
self.opacity = 192
for i in 0...@list.size
text = @list[i]
text = "" if text.nil?
self.contents.draw_text(0, i * 32, 256, 32, @list[i][0])
# * Get Item
def item(index)
value = @list[index]
value = ["",0] if value.nil?
return value
# ** Window_ACData
# It is the window which depicts the cached state of a highlighted audio
# file, and the folder in which it belongs
class Window_ACData < Window_Selectable
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(320, 64, 256, 128)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = 192
# * Refresh
def refresh(page, audio, state)
if audio == ""
audio = "> No file present <"
state = 2
audio = audio[0,(audio.size)-4]
# Initialization of contents
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 0, 224, 168, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
# Drawing of Page
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(192, 192, 192) if state == 2
case page
when 1; self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 224, 24, "[BGM]")
when 2; self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 224, 24, "[BGS]")
when 3; self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 224, 24, "[ME]")
when 4; self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 224, 24, "[SE]")
# Drawing of audio name
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(192, 255, 255)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(192, 192, 192) if state == 2
self.contents.draw_text(0, 32, 224, 24, audio)
# Exit if no valid filename
return if state == 2
# Drawing of audio cached state
if state == 0
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, 224, 24, "Uncached")
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 64)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, 224, 24, "Cached")
# ** Window_ACHelp
# It is the window which depicts basic instructions for the editor.
class Window_ACHelp < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(320, 192, 256, 224)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.opacity = 192
# * Refresh
def refresh
self.contents.font.size = 20
self.contents.font.bold = true
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 224, 24, "The [Up] & [Down] arrows")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 22, 224, 24, "highlights the audio file.")
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(224, 224, 224)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 55, 224, 24, "The [Left] & [Right] arrows")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 77, 224, 24, "changes what type of audio")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 99, 224, 24, "you are viewing.")
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(192,192,192)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 132, 224, 24, "Pressing [Enter] will change")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 154, 224, 24, "the cached state of the file.")
# ** Scene_Title
# This class performs title screen processing.
class Scene_Title
# * Main Processing
def main
# Bring up required game system data
$data_system = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
$game_system = Game_System.new
# Drawing up title graphics
@sprite = Sprite.new
@sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
@gac = Game_AudioCacheEditor.new
# Execute transition
# Main loop
loop do
# Update game screen
# Update input information
# Frame update
# Abort loop if screen is changed
break if $scene != self
# * Frame Update
def update
Demo 1 - Version able to be examined
Demo 2 - Version Encrypted into .rgsaad
Both are Box.com links. Look to top of window for DOWNLOAD button in page
This script will obviously conflict with any other script that will modify the bgm_play, bgs_play, me_play and/or se_play methods within Game System, and will conflict with any script that alters the animation_process_timing method within the RPG::Sprite class that handles battle system effects.
Other than that, it is compatible for RPGMaker XP systems.
Terms of Use
Free to use, even in commercial projects. Just note that I need some form of due credit, not just myself but Carlos_Davilla who assisted.
![[Image: Exclusive1.png]](https://www.save-point.org/images/exclusive/Exclusive1.png)