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Expanded Encounter Areas
Version: 1.0


This script allows the game developer to designate areas within one or more field maps to have designated areas where additional enemy troops may be encountered by way of random encounters.

It allows for a change of the number of steps required to trigger any such random encounters and is compatible with Big Maps by DerVVulfman.


˂Paste the actual code here, using the CODE tag. This section is optional if you have a demo, but highly recommended for simple to moderately complex scripts.˃

The Script


Contained within the script.


If compared to other scripts of this nature, it is much less invasive.

Add-On Tool: Colored Encounter Areas

This script allows you to press the [SHIFT] key to highlight any area you define on the map. Helpful so you know where your expanded areas really are. Paste it below Expanded Encounter Areas for it to work.
Colored Encounter Areas


Designed solely for RPGMaker XP.

This system rewrites the 'encounter_list' and 'encounter_steps' methods within Game_Map.

Terms and Conditions

Free for use, even in commercial projects. Only due credit is required.
# Each defined AREA hash must have a unique key. If two or more AREA hashes
# have the same key, the last one will take prescedent.

Perhaps you should word it in a different manner like "the latter will replace the former" because that's the default hash class behavior. If it's actually using hashes, people should know that they SHOULD NOT REPEAT KEYS unless they need to replace such a value on purpose.

By the way, your comments have got several typos. Sad

As a side note, people, this script overwrites methods, alias trashed the original ones and replaced them with a redefinition, I used in my KMap scripts so be careful and place this script above mine. I do think I've aliased them so my changes should not alter the final outcome.
I prefer wording my instructions in my manner. I certainly give more information than some on how a script is to be used.

Quote:By the way, your comments got several typos.
It is: By the way, your comments have several typos. Good grammar... Tongue sticking out

This requires a forced change to these methods. But I had identified such changes, and added quite descriptive and helpful comments as to their functions. And no, I will not receive any 'suggestions' towards any changes to the methods. Any suggestions would be deemed as argumentative and erased.
An unobtrusive
has been made.

The script itself had not been altered.  There is no reason to do so.  However, the topic was altered to include a helpful developer's tool.

This tool is a simple little script allows you to visually 'see' the areas you define within 'Expanded Encounter Areas'.  When installed, you can simply press the [Shift] key on a map and the defined areas will be highlighted in various random colors.

It does nothing else but show the rectangular areas.  Still, it should prove useful.