
Full Version: How To Make Music - Video Tutorials
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For anyone interested, I've rebooted my music creation tutorials in video format.
I get asked a lot of questions and this is a clear, concise way for me to answer them.
Feel free to ask any questions, I'll update this thread as I make new ones.
Below is the playlist and, as of writing this, there are already 4 videos.
Is there any video on working on paper? I mean, it's good to use any music creation tool on your PC but what's your advice regarding composition when you're on your car or bus or anywhere far away from home? Perhaps you've only got your cellphone at that moment and still, you don't wanna lose your inspiration or ideas and the like. Just saying...
This isn't aimed at composition but rather production. How to make the sounds that are stuck in your head come to life. I am very active on Newgrounds in the audio forum and I hear a lot of beginners struggling to make something that's even half-way decent. This is an attempt to help those people get something that, at least, won't make your ears bleed when you hear it. More specifically aimed at the rock and metal genres, or at least, guitar-based music.
Let's mix drums!... Good luck following along! :P
How to use compression.

Don't know if I said but I have a small forum on music production: