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Save-Point - Tengo una duda :0


Full Version: Tengo una duda :0
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That is why I require them as a script.
(07-24-2020, 02:05 PM)rzrcoon Wrote: [ -> ]Greetings to everyone Grinning I don't often ask for things but I find it curious to know if these Menus (which I drew) can be made for RPG Maker XP (Since I will especially need them for that maker, but they can make them compatible with VX / Ace) I've seen several similar scripts, but they are exclusively for the ataforementioned and they don't work for me, Without getting more entangled, I'll now illustrate a little the details of like these scripts could be, I think that they can still serve you someone else on their projects.

NOTE: red and green are used to indicate, indicate and / or describe X part of the image.

[Image: Ol8W1tD.png]

This part is a mix between equipment and inventory

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1515]
... I have the bulk of it ready though the STATS window in the bottom left needs a different updating system. And I still need some input. Input on optional backpack/belt options, and how you like the package I sent.

Given your 'limit' to the number of items, for your player's item capacity, some edits to the Gain_Items (and like) methods will be needed. Or to be more accurate, a new 'feature' to handle item taking/dropping.
(07-24-2020, 02:05 PM)rzrcoon Wrote: [ -> ][Image: WiAWRQu.png]

A store system I guess a little complicated.

How about an ICON version of that????

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1519]

The mechanics to go between the two menus works fine, being able to switch between left and right menus. And I have a decent technique for the dropdown buy.sell menus. Only YOUR inventory needs an extra "DROP" option as you want a specific limit to your hero's capacity.  At least things can scroll fine now.
Well, I made some progress on the Item/Equip menu.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1520]

And some work was done for an item-drop feature, so the player cannot take MORE than the set capacity.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1521]

While they may not look THAT flashy, all the menu graphics are actually replaceable .png files. Even the menu background which conceals the underlying field map. And the positioning and shape is adjustable, as well as the font and font sizes.

I guess the Shop is the next to fix up?
The shop system doesn't exactly look like the mockup, the shopkeeper's face and the money display not being present. However, base mechanics are in the works.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1533]
The top screen, I'm selecting three items to sell. I click on them and they appear in the shop window to the left.

The middle screen shows the items no longer in my inventory, but 'unsorted' in the shop's inventory. They're in the order I selected them.

And the bottom screen shows how they appear after 'finalizing' the deal, the items now the property of the shop and properly sorted.

The system works for both the store and party windows when buying or selling goods. But what is next is putting in the cash handling system and later 'theft' system. However, I have no idea about chance-of-theft and what the result of a failed theft would produce.
Wow, the icon-based shop is coming along a bit nicely I think.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1534]

There's gotta be some space in the center to show the shopkeeper. And Rzrcoon also wants a high-rez 128x128 image or icon in the display as well. And then there's stats to show.

But basic layouts are done.... Happy
WOW I am so happy to see this :DD the systems look amazing Shocked Laughing + Tongue sticking out
No screenies as yet. But the bottom left has a large singular 'icon' for the item under the cursor. As suggested, a large 128x128 image.... though personally, I think it a bit ... large. And at the bottom right, item stats related to the player. Not the same window that is in the Item/Equip window, but a separate window.

The new item stats window is supposed to be two-columns. As I want to make it expandable to how many stats to show, THAT part is gonna be tough.

Well, partially because I have other stuff to take care of. Otherwise... I woulda had that done by now Tongue sticking out
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1543]
Stats showing a serious downgrade from a Mythril sword.

Well, now I DO have the secondary store item stats in two columns.  I have to make additions to the code so the window can show 1 column or two and allow the ability to adjust font and horizontal placement so it can be PROPERLY tweaked to taste. But the mechanics fully work.

I need to set up how to move/adjust the placement of the enhanced icon/graphic window.  And for the system, I still think the requested icon size is .. a mite too big.

As to the Shop Seller's face... yeah, not done yet.  But I used part of the mockup for a suggested placement.

All in all... it's coming up with a relatively similar look while including the whole ICON item options.
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