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Save-Point - Tengo una duda :0


Full Version: Tengo una duda :0
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Greetings to everyone   Grinning I don't often ask for things but I find it curious to know if these Menus (which I drew) can be made for RPG Maker XP (Since I will especially need them for that maker, but they can make them compatible with VX / Ace) I've seen several similar scripts, but they are exclusively for the ataforementioned and they don't work for me, Without getting more entangled, I'll now illustrate a little the details of like these scripts could be, I think that they can still serve you someone else on their projects.

NOTE: red and green are used to indicate, indicate and / or describe X part of the image.

[Image: Ol8W1tD.png]

This part is a mix between equipment and inventory

[Image: eRNAffL.png]

Simple HUD with the possibility of activating and deactivating various utilities.

[Image: Jt9UrVi.png]

Esc Menu

[Image: WiAWRQu.png]

A store system I guess a little complicated.

Well I think that's it.  Happy with a sweat
I did not add images related to the configuration options of the commercial games and the participant states since:
1st - I hope looking for a script like that
2nd - I think I have seen many interesting Stats scripts and I think that adding it to this list is a lot to ask.  Sweat
But if it's not too much trouble, in case you need, I'll ask for help  Sad

Thanks in advanced!!
You have a doubt?

Never doubt when you're working with an engine that has well over 15 years of available custom software. Now that's not to say that this is an exact match, but it can be a start for someone interested in tinkering...

Item System Diablo Style
by DarkSchneider
Posted by Italianstal1ion (February 2, 2007)

Italianstal1ion ? I hope the guy was a ROCKY fan.

And then there's Chrono Cry's two Icon Inventory threads archived from the forum Creation Asylum
Icon Inventory - Picture version
Icon Inventory - Windowskin Version
I got an interesting script that groups the entire menu into one thing. but even so I have not collected the ede hud and the store that are the most important. And yes, more than a doubt, it is a request, even though I believe that I'll not got because now no one works on things of the rmxp (sorry for the edit)
I'd say that there are those that do work with RMXP.

It appears though that some go for the newest of the new thinking it's the best, salesmanship propaganda. Barf
In my very own case I wouldn't work on it because I find it... convoluted. After dealing with GUI for quite some time, I noticed those menus are the worst. I know, XP's resolution is low, that's exactly why you or anybody else shouldn't display too much info on screen or place buttons the way you did on that sketch. There are a few things that repeat themselves. Urrgh!

Why don't you simplify it by dividing its contents between two different stages of your shop scene?

By the way, are these scripts for a game that sports one OR many heroes? Is it some kind of ARPG? Or a typical RPG? Or even for a tactical RPG?
From all appearances I think it MAY be for one hero. But rzrcoon has an area for a 'backpack' which could be the whole Item Bag for all party members. I'm wondering too. Because if there are separate inventories per individuals and a shared bag, it could be hard indeed.
For me, the Equip/item menu is for a single hero, the script would be used for a Diablo style ARPG, (For the others, I think also it could also be used for a RPG tactical or classical one, if them including companions, in this case, the Esc menu by default has its selector of partys, and that crappy Esc menu of my drawing wouldn't be used. O~O)

All the images are in a resolution of 640x480, only that the part of the mini-menu is drop-down, and I put it apart so as not to cover the inventory grid but it would come out below the selected object, activated by a key such as Intro, so I thought to do it according to the standard resolution. It does not convince me the square of the money but somewhere it should be since in IRL it would be part of the inventory.  :3
Then my advise would be...

Serious Please update your sketches so they reflect what you really want to get from any of us. It'd be more difficult to solve your issues or meet your expectations otherwise.
I'm sorry for not explaining myself well, ^^u the idea is that each image is a different script, well that's clearer than water, The Esc menu is just an entry to the equip/item menu that I need (but really that's not important for others that are going to use the script in their projects, that's why I talked about including companions giving them a little possible solution, to that) me, personally need it from exclusively for one only character.
For the equip menu, how about disabling the escape button (in the engine this is possible) and then keeping a general event active so that if the escape button is pressed on acceptable maps it brings up your custom menu. You can use images and events to make simple menus. I've done it myself in the past and it doesn't take long.
I imagine the most difficult part is scanning the inventory and displaying it so the user can select what they want to equip. If you have a big game with lots of items then yes, scripts would be better for this.
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