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XP 1.3.1 + Add-On

by Kyonides


It's a scriptlet that allows you to equip skills aka temporarily learn a skill if a piece of equipment like a weapon or an accessory is currently equipped.

There was another scriptlet out there but it sucked Laughing + Tongue sticking out for it used an iterator when I noticed it gotta be simpler. And yes, I was right about that! Take a look for yourselves!

Instructions for XP
# * KEquipSkills XP
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.2.1 - 2023-06-13

# - Use Items, Weapons or Armors to learn Skills! - #

# In order to add new skills whenever you equip a new Weapon or Armor or Item,
# You need to configure a couple of CONSTANTS.

# EQUIP_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# ITEM_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# The rest of the Actors will use the :direct method, learning a single skill
# from the Weapon or Armor or Item.

# - If any BEHAVIOR for a given Actor is set to :direct

# DIRECT_WEAPONS[WeaponID] = [SkillID1, etc.]
# DIRECT_ARMORS[ArmorID] = [SkillID1, etc.]
# DIRECT_ITEMS[ItemID] = [SkillID1, etc.]

# The default value is [], an empty Array.

# - If any BEHAVIOR for a given Actor is set to :checks

# CHECK_WEAPONS[WeaponID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }
# CHECK_ARMORS[ArmorID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }
# CHECK_ITEMS[ArmorID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }

# 0 as an ID allows any class or actor to equip the skill!

# * Script Calls * #

# - Change a given Actor's Item or Equip Check Type
#   Available Types: :direct or :checks
# game_actors[ActorID].item_check_type = Type
# game_actors[ActorID].equip_check_type = Type

module KEquipSkills
# * Beginning of Customization * #
  DIRECT_ARMORS[43] = [162]
  CHECK_ARMORS[43] = { :skill => [162], :class => [], :actor => [7,8] }
  CHECK_ITEMS[33] = { :skill => [10], :class => [1,2] }

About the Add-Ons

Both ports include a Menu Scene that will allow you to open a new menu after picking an item and its target. This menu will list all the skills you included either in the Constant or the Note Tag. There might be a skill requirement to be able to learn just ONE of those skills. For more details, please read the rest of my posts here.

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any game.
Include my nickname in your game credits.
Mention this forum as well.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
Curious Update

This time I added the possibility of equipping more than a single skill per equipment slot. What makes it a great thing is that you still can equip a single skill on any other slot! Laughing
This script now starts looking like a simple version of a Materia script to me. Thinking
Some bothersome Maker was VeXing me!

After releasing the 1.0.2 version of my XP script I was wondering if that was all I could do concerning equipping skills. Nope, I have neglected some poor maker, namely VX! Tongue sticking out Well, not anymore after I have published the ported version of it. Grinning
Hidden Bug Has Been Smashed For Good!

In the RMVX port of my script, there was a Bug bug concerning some aliased method that had a slightly different name that the one declared at the top of its respective Game_Actor class. Obviously, it would quickly throw an error at your face. Hurt 

Happy with a sweat Yeah well, what really matters here is that it has been exterminated for the greater good.

Thinking I guess it happened while I was still working on the original RMXP version.
XP & VX Script Updates!

KEquippedSkills has been rebranded as KEquipSkills! Shocked

From now on, version 1.1.1 now lets you set 2 different sets of CONSTANTS depending on HOW you want the Equipment Skills to be equipped by your Actors.

  1. Direct Method
  2. Checks Method

What this means is that you can simply tell the game that a specific Actor has a direct equipment skill learning process. OR the Actor needs to pass a few checks before he or she can equip the skills by equipping a weapon or armor based upon the Class ID or the Actor's ID.

By the way, using 0 as an ID allows either any Class or any Actor to learn a given skill.
Go Equip Weapons or Armors or even Consume Items!

Version 1.2.0 of your favorite script allows you to learn skills at once not just by equipping anything but also by using items like scrolls or books or whatever you might come up with! Two Thumbs Up!

It also allows you to learn 1+ skills per equipment piece even while using the old Direct Method.

Just keep the following instructions in mind.

# EQUIP_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# ITEM_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# The rest of the Actors will use the :direct method, learning a single skill
# from the Weapon or Armor or Item.
I think the updated XP script is missing some stuff. Also, the XP demo is missing.
@Steel Beast 6Beets
Yeah, I was correcting some weird behavior I had noticed there so I removed the demo. Anyway, it's back online!
It's been there for about 3 hours already. Laughing
The main post only keeps record of the instructions for both ports and nothing else.

Version 1.2.1 Has Been Released on Both XP & VX!

VX Demo Updates:

The VX port no longer depends on too many Constants as the XP version. Now it uses custom note tags like the ones below.

# - Teach a Skill Immediately using Weapon or Armor or Item
#   Leave a note tag like the following note:
# <equip skills 12 14 16>

# - Or Check if the Class ID or the Actor ID's list against your Notetag's
#   Leave a note tag like the following note:
# <equip skills 2 5 classes 1 2>
# <equip skills 4 8 9 actors 3 6 9>
Alright, I did a very throughout testing and it works as intended.
KEquipSkills XP Has Got a Brand New Add-On!

Starting from today, the RMXP port includes a simple add-on that might show up during the Item Menu scene.
Who Knows? Why does it even matter?
Happy with a sweat Well, it happens to feature a new type of Item that will let the Target Actor learn just 1 out of a group of predefined skills.

Let's take a look at the embedded comments for a moment.

# * KEquipSkills XP - Pick Skills Item Add-On * #
#  Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#  2023-06-15

# This script add-on will allow the parent script to let a given hero learn
# ONE out of a bunch of skills only.

# It depends on the default Scene_Item class to work properly.

# - Add a special Pick Skill Item - #
#  Create New Lines like the following:
# PICK_SKILL_ITEMS[ItemID] = { :have => [SkillID1, etc.],
#    :learn => [SkillID10, etc.] }

Of course, you can leave a note with 6 skills you can learn and have 0 skills as a requirement.
Yeah, you simply setup the Constant like this...

PICK_SKILL_ITEMS[ItemID] = { :have => [0], :learn => [10, 12, 14, 18] }

The new script is already included in my demo, but it's not mandatory to implement it in your games at all.
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