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KChange XP

by Kyonides Arkanthes


You know me, making or crafting scripts is a passion. So even if I might have published similar scripts in the past, I cannot stay away from some classics for long.

What does KChange XP do?
It breaks the limits of many game statistics with a main difference, it will NOT ask you to set a maximum! Shocked
That is mainly because it turns out it is useless at the end. Laughing
The second difference is that some of them like HP or SP or STR might behave like they always did including their default limits.

Melana: You liar! You've told us you let us break the limits!
Me: Err Happy with a sweat well, that's still true! Just keep reading my explanation.
Melana: I'll never forgive you if you don't explain it properly.
Me: [Gulps] Confused 

It just happens that with a change in variable found in the KChange module or a script call you can enable or disable the stats limit breaker ability! Grinning
That means you can change that setting at any given time! Tongue sticking out

Besides you can lock or unlock heroes! Because you wouldn't get rid of a highly dependable hero like Batman Batman would you?

It also lets you set the Maximum Number of Heroes that can join your party up to that point. Batman Green Arrow Catwoman
Even so I do recommend never to set the Maximum Number of Battlers above 4. Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Enemies will get the "Passive Skill" like benefits as well. Laughing Except they do not need gold or experience. Happy with a sweat
Cash Gold will be calculated based on which actor has a given skill.
Monsters Ghost Zombie Dalek Snake will always get boosts! Fear

Plus the earth will shake badly after you read this initial post! Laughing
Melana: Serious You're definitely evil, Kyonides!
Me: Confused Am I? I don't feel like a Dalek Dalek at all.
Me: [Gulps again] Confused That's exactly what happens when you favor monsters without taking the consequences into consideration...

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Free for use in any game. Shocked
I should appear in your game credits! Grinning 
Mention Save-Point as well. Two Thumbs Up!
Give me a free copy of your released game. Gamer Yeap, I wanna play it!