
Full Version: Adding face script on Cogwheel's RTAB Battle Status
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So How do I add face script on cogwheel RATB? I tried writing  on Window_Base and make draw_graphic_face but It didn't show or error
First of all I use custom battle system which connected to battler graphic and I wanna add something  like this (edited)
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and I found this Battle Status script by Valcrist, I wonder how do I add cogwheel's RATB? lol
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Thanks !
Err, if you provide us with the link to the battle system and some test graphics that look like the screenshots above, perhaps I or any other scripter would help you somehow.
Just a shot in the dark....

I think his script basically uses/replaces traditional battlers with faces drawn over the battlestatus window. Cogwheel did it too

Battle face graphics

Which relies on this script...
Face graphic retrieval system

Yeah, I was pretty busy translating RTAB back in 2006-2008
(08-22-2020, 02:29 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]Err, if you provide us with the link to the battle system and some test graphics that look like the screenshots above, perhaps I or any other scripter would help you somehow. this one tehe, it's including battle status but without cogwheel's RATB 

(08-22-2020, 03:31 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Just a shot in the dark....

I think his script basically uses/replaces traditional battlers with faces drawn over the battlestatus window.  Cogwheel did it too

Battle face graphics

Which relies on this script...
Face graphic retrieval system

Yeah, I was pretty busy translating RTAB back in 2006-2008

Aah!! Thank you so much! Anyway how to configure it? I'm kinda clueless with the face filename. Cogwheel's website is dead so I cant find most of their script :(
Query. As stated... "I think his script basically uses/replaces traditional battlers" ... which means you have no actor battlers in the battle system at all. Only enemy battlers. Only the enemies will be on the battlefield and all you see of the heroes would be the faces in the window.

Can I assume... you would want faces AND actor battlers???????
Yup, something that I've stated on the first post.
I've tried it and There is no warning of "no graphic/face/"name"".
I decided to just quickly jot out this...

Cogwheel Battle Faces

It'll work with either Cogwheel's RTAB or his CTB script (some don't realize he made a CTB script). It throws a face behind the text within Cogwheel's own 'DetailsStatus' window which is unique for each actor.

It doesn't animate the faces like Cogwheel's own script.. But it won't
  • demand 16 faces per actor
  • require direct editing of the code for each actor and class for each face
  • doesn't take over the battler class, preventing the AnimBat system

I have plenty of instructions in there. But in general, you make a Faces subfolder in the Graphics folder, and have it filled with face png files (all the same size). And the name of the face files should be based on either the name of the hero, the filename of the characterset, the battler or is like "Actor_1.png", "Actor_2.png", etc. But again, it's in the instructions.
Omg, thank you so much...  Cry 
I think I don't deserve its credit, There are many screenshots of rmxp game which has face on their battle status lol. Anyway I've put it below RATB script and it shows like this. 
[Image: 117808551_10207428186500635_572821949303...e=5F696014]

I thought it's not compatible with my main battle system (Rice Field) but when I tried minkoff's. It does show too.

Thank you again!! Head-desk Thud
Raisefield's 2006? Dizzy Geez... I forgot about that. Every version I had, the config was borked and it had 'undefined animation_duration for enemy' errors. It may rely on another script I do not have...

Well, I figured you were using the Minkoff/Animbat system. But I did a minor update (above) to alleviate that warning you had received.
Yes lmao, I know it's outdated but it's simple hahaha but I have some alternative too. well, I'm kinda clueless with RGSS  Nervous . How did you find this battle system bug?
btw I found this error again. sorry  Head-desk Thud Dizzy
[Image: 118157906_10207428456627388_302118913706...e=5F666E94]
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