08-23-2020, 06:23 AM
Lets you use script calls to filter unit members with less codes and eventing
(You'll have to use DoubleX_RMMZ_Plugin_Query to use the plugin queries of this plugin)
Games using this plugin
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Script Calls
Author Notes
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Demo Link
Lets you use script calls to filter unit members with less codes and eventing
* 1. Without any plugin, getting a member with specific conditions
* relative to the belonging unit, like finding the party member with
* the highest amount of hp, demands relatively heavy event setups,
* even with the aid of common events, which boost event reusability.
* 2. With this plugin, the same can be done using several easy, simple
* and small script calls instead of writing several common events
* from scratch, thus further improving effectiveness and efficiency.
(You'll have to use DoubleX_RMMZ_Plugin_Query to use the plugin queries of this plugin)
Games using this plugin
None so far
Script Calls
* # Battler manipulations
* 1. isAnyStateAffected(stateIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has any state included by
* stateIds, which is a list of id of states
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyStateAffected([1, 2]) returns
* whether the 1st party member has any state with id 1 or 2
* 2. isAllStatesAffected(stateIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has all states included by
* stateIds, which is a list of id of states
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameActors.actor(1).isAllStatesAffected([1, 2]) returns whether
* the actor with id 1 has all states with id 1 or 2
* 3. isAnyBuffAffected(paramIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has any buff included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyBuffAffected([0, 1]) returns
* whether the 1st party member has any mhp or mmp buff
* 4. isAllBuffsAffected(paramIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has all buffs included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameActors.actor(1).isAllBuffsAffected([0, 1]) returns whether
* the actor with id 1 has all mhp and mmp buffs
* 5. isAnyDebuffAffected(paramIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has any debuff included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyDebuffAffected([0, 1]) returns
* whether the 1st party member has any mhp or mmp debuff
* 6. isAllDebuffsAffected(paramIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has all debuffs included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameActors.actor(1).isAllDebuffsAffected([0, 1]) returns whether
* the actor with id 1 has all mhp and mmp debuffs
* 7. hasAnySkill(skillIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has any skill included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills
* - paramIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.members()[0].hasAnySkill([1, 2]) returns whether the
* 1st party member has skill with id 1 or 2
* 8. hasAllSkills(skillIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has all skills included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills
* - paramIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameActors.actor(1).hasAllSkills([1, 2]) returns whether the
* actor with id 1 has all skills with id 1 and 2
* (v1.01a+)9. hasAnyUsableSkill(skillIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has any usable skill
* included by skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding
* skills
* - paramIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.members()[0].hasAnyUsableSkill([1, 2]) returns whether
* the 1st party member has usable skill with id 1 or 2
* (v1.01a+)10. hasAllUsableSkills(skillIds)
* - Returns whether the battler involved has all usable skills
* included by skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding
* skills
* - paramIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - E.g.:
* $gameActors.actor(1).hasAllUsableSkills([1, 2]) returns whether
* the actor with id 1 has all usable skills with id 1 and 2
* # Unit manipulations
* 1. memWithAnyState(stateIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with any state included by stateIds,
* which is a list of id of states, among all battlers included by
* mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithAnyState([1, 2]) returns the list of party
* members with any state with id 1 or 2
* 2. memWithAllStates(stateIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with all states included by
* stateIds, which is a list of id of states, among all battlers
* included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithAllStates([1, 2], $gameTroop.memWithAnyState([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members with all states with id 1 or 2
* among those with any state with id 3 or 4
* 3. memWithoutAnyState(stateIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without any state included by
* stateIds, which is a list of id of states, among all battlers
* included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithoutAnyState([1, 2]) returns the list of party
* members without any state with id 1 or 2
* 4. memWithoutAllStates(stateIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without all states included by
* stateIds, which is a list of id of states, among all battlers
* included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stateIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithoutAllStates([1, 2], $gameTroop.memWithoutAnyState([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members without all states with id 1 or
* 2 among those without any state with id 1 or 2
* 5. memWithAnyBuff(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with any buff included by paramIds,
* which is a list of id of corresponding parameters, among all
* battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithAnyBuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party
* members with any mhp or mmp buff
* 6. memWithAllBuffs(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with all buffs included by paramIds,
* which is a list of id of corresponding parameters, among all
* battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithAllBuffs([0, 1], $gameTroop.memWithAnyBuff([2, 3]))
* returns the list of troop members with all mhp and mmp buffs
* among those with any atk or def buff
* 7. memWithoutAnyBuff(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without any buff included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithoutAnyBuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party
* members without any mhp or mmp buff
* 8. memWithoutAllBuffs(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without all buffs included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithoutAllBuffs([0, 1], $gameTroop.memWithoutAnyBuff([2, 3]))
* returns the list of troop members without all mhp and mmp buffs
* among those without any atk or def buff
* 9. memWithAnyDebuff(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with any debuff included by paramIds,
* which is a list of id of corresponding parameters, among all
* battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithAnyDebuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party
* members with any mhp or mmp debuff
* 10. memWithAllDebuffs(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with all debuffs included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithAllDebuffs([0, 1], $gameTroop.memWithAnyDebuff([2, 3]))
* returns the list of troop members with all mhp and mmp debuffs
* among those with any atk or def debuff
* 11. memWithoutAnyDebuff(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without any debuff included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithoutAnyDebuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party
* members without any mhp or mmp debuff
* 12. memWithoutAllDebuffs(paramIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without all debuffs included by
* paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - paramIds must be an Array of non negative numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithoutAllDebuffs([0, 1], $gameTroop.memWithoutAnyDebuff([2, 3]))
* returns the list of troop members without all mhp and mmp debuffs
* among those without any atk or def debuff
* 13. memWithAnySkill(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with any skill included by skillIds,
* which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among all battlers
* included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithAnySkill([1, 2]) returns the list of party
* members with skill having id 1 or 2
* 14. memWithAllSkills(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with all skills included by skillIds,
* which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among all battlers
* included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithAllSkills([1, 2], $gameParty.memWithAnySkill([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members with skills having id 1 and 2
* among those with skill having id 3 or 4
* 15. memWithoutAnySkill(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without any skill included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithoutAnySkill([1, 2]) returns the list of party
* members without skills having id 1 nor 2
* 16. memWithoutAllSkills(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without all skills included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithoutAllSkills([1, 2], $gameParty.memWithoutAnySkill([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members without skills having id 1 and
* 2 among those without skill having id 3 or 4
* 17. anyHighestStatMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those being the
* highest among the caller, among all battlers included by mems,
* which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.anyHighestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
* party members with the highest amount of hp or mp among the party
* 18. allHighestStatsMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all the highest among
* the caller, among all battlers included by mems, which is a list
* of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.allHighestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"], $gameTroop.anyHighestStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"]))
* returns the list of troop members with the highest amount of hp
* and mp among those with the highest amount of mhp or mmp among
* the troop
* 19. notAnyHighestStatMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, don't include those being
* the highest among the caller, among all battlers included by
* mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.notAnyHighestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
* party members with neither the highest amount of hp nor mp among
* the party
* 20. notAllHighestStatsMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, aren't all the highest
* among the caller, among all battlers included by mems, which is
* a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.notAllHighestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"], $gameTroop.notAnyHighestStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"]))
* returns the list of troop members without the highest amount of
* both hp and mp among those with neither the highest amount of mhp
* nor mmp among the troop
* 21. anyLowestStatMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those being the
* lowest among the caller, among all battlers included by mems,
* which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.anyLowestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
* party members with the lowest amount of hp or mp among the party
* 22. allLowestStatsMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all the lowest among
* the caller, among all battlers included by mems, which is a list
* of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.allLowestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"], $gameTroop.anyLowestStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"]))
* returns the list of troop members with the lowest amount of hp
* and mp among those with the lowest amount of mhp or mmp among the
* troop
* 23. notAnyLowestStatMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, don't include those being
* the lowest among the caller, among all battlers included by mems,
* which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.notAnyLowestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
* party members with neither the lowest amount of hp nor mp among
* the party
* 24. notAllLowestStatsMem(stats, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, aren't all the lowest
* among the caller, among all battlers included by mems, which is a
* list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.notAllLowestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"], $gameParty.notAnyLowestStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"]))
* returns the list of troop members without the lowest amount of
* both hp and mp among those with neither the lowest amount of mhp
* nor mmp among the troop
* 25. anyAboveStatMem(stats, val, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those above val,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - val must be a number
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.anyAboveStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
* party members with the value of hp or mp above 100
* 26. allAboveStatMem(stats, val, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all above val, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - val must be a number
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.allAboveStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100, $gameTroop.anyAboveStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"], 1000))
* returns the list of troop members with the value of hp and mp
* above 100 among those with the value of mhp or mmp above 1000
* 27. anyBelowStatMem(stats, val, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those below val,
* among all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - val must be a number
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.anyBelowStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
* party members with the value of hp or mp below 100
* 28. allBelowStatMem(stats, val, mems)
* - Returns the list of members whose values of
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which
* is a list of names of corresponding
* parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all below val, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - stats must be an Array of strings as names of Game_Battler
* properties with the get function
* - val must be a number
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.allBelowStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100, $gameTroop.anyBelowStatMem(["mhp", "mmp"], 1000))
* returns the list of troop members with the value of hp and mp
* below 100 among those with the value of mhp or mmp below 1000
* (v1.01a+)29. memWithAnyUsableSkill(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with any usable skill included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithAnyUsableSkill([1, 2]) returns the list of
* party members with usable skill having id 1 or 2
* (v1.01a+)30. memWithAllUsableSkills(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members with all usable skills included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithAllUsableSkills([1, 2], $gameParty.memWithAnyUsableSkill([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members with usable skills having id 1
* and 2 among those with usable skill having id 3 or 4
* (v1.01a+)31. memWithoutAnyUsableSkill(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without any usable skill included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.memWithoutAnyUsableSkill([1, 2]) returns the list of
* party members without usable skills having id 1 nor 2
* (v1.01a+)32. memWithoutAllUsableSkills(skillIds, mems)
* - Returns the list of members without all usable skills included by
* skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills, among
* all battlers included by mems, which is a list of battlers
* - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler
* - skillIds must be an Array of natural numbers
* - mems must be an Array of Game_Battler
* - If mems isn't specified, it'll be default to all unit members
* outside battles and battle members inside battles respectively
* - E.g.:
* $gameTroop.memWithoutAllUsableSkills([1, 2], $gameParty.memWithoutAnyUsableSkill([3, 4]))
* returns the list of troop members without usable skills having id
* 1 and 2 among those without usable skill having id 3 or 4
Author Notes
* 1. This plugin's meant to be a convenience tool to facilitate the use
* of some unit filters that aren't already available from the default
* RMMZ codebase, so you're still supposed to write some Javascript
* codes with the aid of the new script calls provided by this plugin.
* Abilities:
* 1. Nothing special for most ordinary cases
* 2. Little RMMZ plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this
* (Elementary Javascript exposures being able to write beginner codes
* up to 300LoC scale )
Terms Of Use
* 1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
* 2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
* 3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
* DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from
* using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
* 4. If you repost this plugin directly(rather than just linking back),
* you shall inform me of these direct repostings. I always reserve
* the right to request you to edit those direct repostings.
* 5. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies
* to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
* 6. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin
* anymore if you've violated any of the above.
* Authors:
* 1. DoubleX
* Plugin Development Collaborators:
* - None So Far
* Bug Reporters:
* - None So Far
* Compatibility Issue Raisers:
* - None So Far
* Feature Requesters:
* - None So Far
* { codebase: "1.0.2", plugin: "v1.02a" }(2020 Oct 6 GMT 1600):
* 1. Added the plugin query and command counterparts for the script
* calls of this plugin
* { codebase: "1.0.0", plugin: "v1.01a" }(2020 Aug 28 GMT 0000):
* 1. Added the following battler manipulation script calls -
* - hasAnyUsableSkill(skillIds)
* - hasAllUsableSkills(skillIds)
* 2. Added the following unit manipulation script calls -
* - memWithAnyUsableSkill(skillIds, mems)
* - memWithAllUsableSkills(skillIds, mems)
* - memWithoutAnyUsableSkill(skillIds, mems)
* - memWithoutAllUsableSkills(skillIds, mems)
* { codebase: "1.0.0", plugin: "v1.00a" }(2020 Aug 23 GMT 0400):
* 1. 1st version of this plugin finished
Download Link
Demo Link
Demo Link