08-23-2021, 01:05 PM
Hi, Working on an Ace game in the D and D Style. Have completed character selection and the first three quests. Half way through the fourth quest. Will post a draft version when this is completed. But, only scratched the surface so far. Action in 2 Cantrefs of the 5 in Temperateland Realm and the game has 4 Realms! So game will not be completed for a long time. The following is an outline of what will eventually be the accompanying guide. Comments welcomed.. Both good and bad!
TRADITIONAL STYLE DUNGEON AND DRAGONS GAME (More detailed version in attached PDF file)
The action takes place in the Four Realms, a group of four large islands under common governance. The islands are: Desertland Realm, Greenland Realm, Iceland Realm and Temperateland Realm. Temperateland Realm is divided into the following five Cantrefs: Ambrosia Cantref, Caerwen Cantref, Castleton Cantref, Dragonfell Cantref and Sigorveld Cantref. Your character starts the game in Rose Cottage, located in the mountains of Caerwen Cantref.
Before You Start:
The following keys will be helpful:
Arrow Keys - Movement
Shift + Arrow Key - Dash
Esc - Toggle Main Menu
A - Help Files (Also from Main Menu)
S - Bestiary (Also from Main Menu)
Enter - Action Key
Alt + Enter - Toggle Full Screen
Help Files:
The Help Files contain valuable information:
Basic Information (See Below)
Learn Skill (Explains principle)
EXP Curve (Explains principle)
Equipment (Outlines what each Character Class can use)
Race Statistics (Basic details)
Class Statistics (Basic Details)
Accessories (Explains principle)
Alignment (Explains principle and reveals current position)
Items (Explains principle)
Companions (Allows you to show, hide and gather)
Basic Information:
Shows the following:
Quests: Undertaken, Completed, Turned Down
and Abandoned. Also number of Companions
and Money owed to each (in Gold)
Tools: Whether Lantern, Pickaxe, Shovel, Rope,
Map and Spellbook in Inventory
Training Courses: Cooking, Smithy and
Alchemy and Training Level achieved
Battles: Fought, Won, Escaped From and
Number of Enemy Killed
Alignment: Lawfulness, Morality,
and Alignment
Personality: Recklessness and Greed.
Starting The Game:
To start the game you need to answer a random riddle. Ensure the first letter of your answer is a Capital and the rest are low case. Use a space where more than one word is required. The correct answer will fit exactly the allocated spaces for your answer. If stuck try another riddle, if really stuck, Goggle the riddle.
Selecting Character:
Firstly, you need to select a Race for your character from the following:
At this stage there are details on each Race you can view before
reaching your decision.
Secondly, you need to select a Class for your character from the following:
At this stage there are details on each Class you can view before
reaching your decision.
This means that you can effectively select from the sixteen characters.
Note: you can reselect at any stage if you change your mind.
Naming Your Character:
Once you have confirmed your choice you can name your character and give them a nickname if you wish.
Note: you cannot now reselect or change your character.
Setting Alignment:
Finally, you need to set your character's Morality (1-9) and their Law Abidingness (1-9) this will give them an Alignment Score between (1-81). Be careful, too high and they will not be able to steal etc, too low and they will be banned entry to churches etc. Their Morality and Law Abidingness scores will also allow or prevent certain actions, decide certain outcomes and allow or prevent certain Quests being undertaken.
Their actions in the game will also increase or decrease these scores, and also increase or decrease scores for Recklessness and Greed. Keep a careful eye on these in the Basic Information from the Help Files.
At the Start, the following is a rough guide to setting the scores:
1-3 Evil
4-6 Neutral
7-9 Good
Law Abiding:
1-3 Chaotic
4-6 Neutral
7-9 Law Abiding
Playing The Game:
The game starts with your character in Rose Cottage. All the early Quests start in Rose Cottage and end there. Later, if you join the Explorers' Guild, Quests may also be picked up from the Notice Board in the Explorers' Guild Headquarters.
Note: A rough map of Caerwen Cantref can be found in Rose Cottage, this will help you find your way around initially. But, an early visit to the Library is essential. Along with better maps you will find over 40 books of lore, religion, mythology etc to read. If you ask the Librarian, she will show you a catalogue listing where every book is located.
For some Quests you may require Companions, these can be found in the Long Room upstairs in the Green Parrot Tavern. But you will have to select them and negotiate payment with them. They return to the Green Parrot, if alive, at the end of each
You can select up to three Companions for each Quest.
Note: any number up to and including three. The lower the number the less you have to pay them, but the greater the number the better the chance of staying alive.
Details of each Companion can be viewed before selection and this includes initial details and updated details if they have been on a previous Quest. The Companions are all initially at Level 2, they are:
1- Gerard Half Dwarf – Half Human Fighter.Trained at Eastbury Military Academy. Suffered abuse due to being mixed race.
2- Carric Green Elf Cleric. Born in a small, traditional elven forest village. Trained at Trepa Seminary. Distrusts dwarves.
3- Ethan Half Elf-Half Human Wizard. Ex Tutor at Necromancer Tower's Wizard Training Academy. Left to see the world.
4- Bree Half Human-Half Halfling Rogue. Brought up on the streets of Oak Town by an old rogue named Felton, Abandoned by parents.
5- Anna Human Banished Cleric. Expelled from Trepa Seminary for illegal use of magic in a vain attempt to save a friend.
6- Milo Halfling.Rogue – Thief..Learned tp be quick with his wits and his tongue to avoid beatings from his drunken father.
7- Kusunoki.Human.Samurai..Trained at the famous Kenjutsu Samurai School. Fell out with their Philosophy of non involvement and left.
8- Caelynn White Elf Monk. Comes from a spiritual family. Her father was a cleric and her mother a monk. Both were killed by goblins.
Note: Careful selection will create a balanced party. Also Classes Level Up at different speeds. For example: Wizards slowly but gaining great skills and powers when they do. Fighters much more quickly but gaining lesser skills and powers when they do. In addition all characters have the opportunity for exchanging EXP for learned skills early in the game.
Places To Visit:
These include:
Items Shops
Herbalist Shops
Weapon Shops
Armour Shops
Fairs (Only open every Greengrass Season)
Outdoor and Indoor Markets
Others You May Encounter:
Too many to mention, but including:
Tom Bombadil - Human Fighter
Farmer Giles - Chicken Farmer
Dark Elves
Elven Sindar Order (Who believe that elves descended from the "Sky Walking" Sindar)
Wayland the Smith
Sandyman the Miller
Best Wishes
TRADITIONAL STYLE DUNGEON AND DRAGONS GAME (More detailed version in attached PDF file)
The action takes place in the Four Realms, a group of four large islands under common governance. The islands are: Desertland Realm, Greenland Realm, Iceland Realm and Temperateland Realm. Temperateland Realm is divided into the following five Cantrefs: Ambrosia Cantref, Caerwen Cantref, Castleton Cantref, Dragonfell Cantref and Sigorveld Cantref. Your character starts the game in Rose Cottage, located in the mountains of Caerwen Cantref.
Before You Start:
The following keys will be helpful:
Arrow Keys - Movement
Shift + Arrow Key - Dash
Esc - Toggle Main Menu
A - Help Files (Also from Main Menu)
S - Bestiary (Also from Main Menu)
Enter - Action Key
Alt + Enter - Toggle Full Screen
Help Files:
The Help Files contain valuable information:
Basic Information (See Below)
Learn Skill (Explains principle)
EXP Curve (Explains principle)
Equipment (Outlines what each Character Class can use)
Race Statistics (Basic details)
Class Statistics (Basic Details)
Accessories (Explains principle)
Alignment (Explains principle and reveals current position)
Items (Explains principle)
Companions (Allows you to show, hide and gather)
Basic Information:
Shows the following:
Quests: Undertaken, Completed, Turned Down
and Abandoned. Also number of Companions
and Money owed to each (in Gold)
Tools: Whether Lantern, Pickaxe, Shovel, Rope,
Map and Spellbook in Inventory
Training Courses: Cooking, Smithy and
Alchemy and Training Level achieved
Battles: Fought, Won, Escaped From and
Number of Enemy Killed
Alignment: Lawfulness, Morality,
and Alignment
Personality: Recklessness and Greed.
Starting The Game:
To start the game you need to answer a random riddle. Ensure the first letter of your answer is a Capital and the rest are low case. Use a space where more than one word is required. The correct answer will fit exactly the allocated spaces for your answer. If stuck try another riddle, if really stuck, Goggle the riddle.
Selecting Character:
Firstly, you need to select a Race for your character from the following:
At this stage there are details on each Race you can view before
reaching your decision.
Secondly, you need to select a Class for your character from the following:
At this stage there are details on each Class you can view before
reaching your decision.
This means that you can effectively select from the sixteen characters.
Note: you can reselect at any stage if you change your mind.
Naming Your Character:
Once you have confirmed your choice you can name your character and give them a nickname if you wish.
Note: you cannot now reselect or change your character.
Setting Alignment:
Finally, you need to set your character's Morality (1-9) and their Law Abidingness (1-9) this will give them an Alignment Score between (1-81). Be careful, too high and they will not be able to steal etc, too low and they will be banned entry to churches etc. Their Morality and Law Abidingness scores will also allow or prevent certain actions, decide certain outcomes and allow or prevent certain Quests being undertaken.
Their actions in the game will also increase or decrease these scores, and also increase or decrease scores for Recklessness and Greed. Keep a careful eye on these in the Basic Information from the Help Files.
At the Start, the following is a rough guide to setting the scores:
1-3 Evil
4-6 Neutral
7-9 Good
Law Abiding:
1-3 Chaotic
4-6 Neutral
7-9 Law Abiding
Playing The Game:
The game starts with your character in Rose Cottage. All the early Quests start in Rose Cottage and end there. Later, if you join the Explorers' Guild, Quests may also be picked up from the Notice Board in the Explorers' Guild Headquarters.
Note: A rough map of Caerwen Cantref can be found in Rose Cottage, this will help you find your way around initially. But, an early visit to the Library is essential. Along with better maps you will find over 40 books of lore, religion, mythology etc to read. If you ask the Librarian, she will show you a catalogue listing where every book is located.
For some Quests you may require Companions, these can be found in the Long Room upstairs in the Green Parrot Tavern. But you will have to select them and negotiate payment with them. They return to the Green Parrot, if alive, at the end of each
You can select up to three Companions for each Quest.
Note: any number up to and including three. The lower the number the less you have to pay them, but the greater the number the better the chance of staying alive.
Details of each Companion can be viewed before selection and this includes initial details and updated details if they have been on a previous Quest. The Companions are all initially at Level 2, they are:
1- Gerard Half Dwarf – Half Human Fighter.Trained at Eastbury Military Academy. Suffered abuse due to being mixed race.
2- Carric Green Elf Cleric. Born in a small, traditional elven forest village. Trained at Trepa Seminary. Distrusts dwarves.
3- Ethan Half Elf-Half Human Wizard. Ex Tutor at Necromancer Tower's Wizard Training Academy. Left to see the world.
4- Bree Half Human-Half Halfling Rogue. Brought up on the streets of Oak Town by an old rogue named Felton, Abandoned by parents.
5- Anna Human Banished Cleric. Expelled from Trepa Seminary for illegal use of magic in a vain attempt to save a friend.
6- Milo Halfling.Rogue – Thief..Learned tp be quick with his wits and his tongue to avoid beatings from his drunken father.
7- Kusunoki.Human.Samurai..Trained at the famous Kenjutsu Samurai School. Fell out with their Philosophy of non involvement and left.
8- Caelynn White Elf Monk. Comes from a spiritual family. Her father was a cleric and her mother a monk. Both were killed by goblins.
Note: Careful selection will create a balanced party. Also Classes Level Up at different speeds. For example: Wizards slowly but gaining great skills and powers when they do. Fighters much more quickly but gaining lesser skills and powers when they do. In addition all characters have the opportunity for exchanging EXP for learned skills early in the game.
Places To Visit:
These include:
Items Shops
Herbalist Shops
Weapon Shops
Armour Shops
Fairs (Only open every Greengrass Season)
Outdoor and Indoor Markets
Others You May Encounter:
Too many to mention, but including:
Tom Bombadil - Human Fighter
Farmer Giles - Chicken Farmer
Dark Elves
Elven Sindar Order (Who believe that elves descended from the "Sky Walking" Sindar)
Wayland the Smith
Sandyman the Miller
Best Wishes