
Full Version: Boat Battle Royale
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Sorry about the Title, my 9 year old grandson chose it! 

Basically this started as an experiment to try out  TheoAllen's Map Projectiles script. So don't be surprised if it loads into a folder titled Map Projectiles.

A simple random sea battle. If you hit the enemy ship 4 times you sink it and win 100 Gold. If they hit you 4 times you sink and its Game Over.

No skill required it's purely random.

Your character is on the shore operating a switch. When pulled you fire and either water splashes near to the enemy or you score a hit. The enemy then automatically fires back and a similar thing happens. A running count of hits scored is given and at the end a tally of shots fired by both sides and hits achieved.

Added Galv's Region Effects script so when bored you can leave footprints in the sand or splash about in the water.

Nothing exceptional, but it amused the grandson for a few hours.

Mediafire link to download attached.

Best Wishes



Mediafire link to Target Practice where a stationary shooter has to hit a moving target. Uses same TheoAllen's Map Projectiles script but
takes a little more skill. Green button selects difficulty (speed target moves) and red button fires (only after difficulty has been selected). 30 shots available. Running tally shown of shots, hits and misses. After 10 hits torches start to light. After 15 they are fully on. A small ball appears in top right corner after 5 hits and changes colour after 10, 15 and 20. Press fire after 30 shots for final tally before game over. You can change difficulty mid game if finding it too easy. If you leave game via green button before the end all your scores are lost.

Hope you enjoy.