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An introduction thread on a many years has it been since I did one of these?

Hello! I'm Tei, I've been floating around the RMXP-sphere for many years, somehow steadfastly refusing to upgrade. Needless to say, by now all the other forums and resources have disappeared from around me--then I found you guys. Wow, what an archive you've compiled!

I've been a lurker since last it turns out, I have to make a post before I can reset my password as per this morning's email. So here is my post! Looking forward to more posts in the future, haha.
*HOWWW!!!* DO YOU DO? Laughing

As you can see, we take member security quite serious, even though chances of this hacker breaking the password encryption is meh.

So what kind of RM games do you enjoy or craft?
Welcome, I guess! :D
Unfortunate circumstances breed opportunity...
I appreciate the security! Though I'm the goof who squinted at the email a for a minute, trying to decide if it was phishing before I decided to open it. A good thing I did!

Like many others, I'm sure, my RM journey began with Aveyond. Way back in 2006. It's my gaming comfort food to this day. (You can actually find me in Aveyond 4, which was some kind of dream come true XD) The project I was working on most recently was a mystery set in the kingdom of the night sky...........then my design doc got lost in a backup mishap, and I shelved it all for a while because I couldn't stand to look at it knowing that all the plans (and the credits list D: ) were gone. All the art was safe, the experimental project was safe.......but all the plot notes disappeared, never to be recovered.