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KChangeMember XP
Version 1.0.1
by Kyonides


Had you ever needed to let a new hero inherit an old hero's equipment?
Did you ever want to let a newcomer learn some of a former party member's skills?
Well, now this scriptlet will let you do those things with a few simple script calls!

Please read the comments embedded in the script to learn how to use the script calls.


This script does NOT load or read any saved games at any given time!


# Explanation: :level stands for same level while :equip means same equipment.

# * Script Calls * #

# Let another Party Member inherit the old Party member's equipment
# Optionally he or she can learn some of his or her skills as well.
# succeed_member(OldActorID, NewActorID)
# succeed_member(OldActorID, NewActorID, SkillID1, etc.)

# Replace an Active Party Member (with Actor ID) with a stranger
# change_member(OldActorID, NewActorID)

# Replace an Active Party Member (with n Actor ID) with a stranger with
# additional Options: :level or :equip or both of them
# change_member(OldActorID, NewActorID, Options)

# Optional: Set or Change Language of Error Messages
# @language = :eng (Found in Error module)
# KChange::Error.language = :eng or :esp or :deu or :fra

module KChange
  module Member
    LEVEL_SYMBOLS = [:level, :nivel, :niveau]
    EQUIPMENT_SYMBOLS = [:equip, :equipo, :ausruestung]


succeed_member(1, 2)
succeed_member(1, 3, 1, 5)
change_member(1, 2, :level, :equip)

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non commercial games. Contact me if you are going commercial. Winking
Mention me in your game credits! Grinning
Do not repost it anywhere else! Angry
Interesting Update!

A few hours ago I had published an extended version of my script. It now features a few error messages in several languages, namely English, Spanish, German and French. Nope, they won't close your game abruptly. Grinning

My script also lets you save your new hero's current equipment by sending it to the party's bag or purse automatically. This feature seemed to be convenient so I felt I had to add it at once. Happy with a sweat
The Script Has Been Revamped!

From now on, you can test how the script works thanks to its brand new demo! Grinning
It will tell you a sad story indeed. Sad

By the way, I have shortened the script calls. Winking

And yes, I have fixed a couple of Bug bugs found in the original code. Happy with a sweat
An Update that Kept VeXing Poor Me!

Happy with a sweat Well, you know me very well by now. If I realize that something works fine Two Thumbs Up! in a specific engine, it's a matter of time before I port it to another one. Laughing

So from now on, RMVX can also enjoy the same benefits of using my script as the original RMXP script! Grinning
And yes, it also features a short story! Winking