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KMenuSound ACE

by Kyonides Arkanthes


A board member once requested a new scriptlet that could help the game developer play a BGM on the main menu scene. It also lets you resume the previously played map BGM right where it was interrupted upon returning to the current map. This script does not alter the GUI at all so no screenshots should be provided ever! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

# * KMenuSound ACE
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   2021-10-01

# This scriptlet will let you resume the BGM or BGS previously played on the
# current map right after exiting the menu scene. Besides the menu also features
# its very own BGM! Please feel free to set the values of KMenuSound module's
# Constants at will.

module KMenuSound
  BGM = "Theme2"
  VOLUME = 70
  PITCH = 100
  extend self
  attr_accessor :bgm_pos, :bgs_pos
  @bgm_pos = 0
  @bgs_pos = 0

class Game_Map
  def play_last_bgms if @map.autoplay_bgm if @map.autoplay_bgs

class Scene_Menu
  include KMenuSound
  alias :kyon_menusnd_scn_menu_start :start
  def start
    bgm =, VOLUME, PITCH)

class Scene_Map
  alias :kyon_menusnd_scn_map_start2 :post_start
  alias :kyon_menusnd_scn_map_call_menu :call_menu
  def post_start

  def call_menu
    KMenuSound.bgm_pos = RPG::BGM.last.pos
    KMenuSound.bgs_pos = RPG::BGS.last.pos

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Feel free to use it anywhere.
Mention me in your game credits! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
[End of Conditions]