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KAppraise XP
version 1.1.1

by Kyonides


Did you ever need a custom menu scene that could allow you to identify items?
Now this script will let you do it in a very convenient way! Grinning
You can even make a hero a "certified" appraiser as well! Shocked

5 Snapshots

You will need to configure some of its features via editing a TXT file called appraisals.txt

Appraisal Shops' Template

Store ID:               101
Expertise Level:        2
Purchases for Next Lvl: 20
Basic Cost:             50
Commission %:           20
Sell Item Price %:      50
Success Rate:           25
MAX Haggle Attempts:    0
Price Increase %:       0
MIN Purchase Price:     50
Cheat %:                5

Store ID:               102
Expertise Level:        5
Purchases for Next Lvl: 30
Basic Cost:             75
Commission %:           30
Sell Item Price %:      45
Success Rate:           40
MAX Haggle Attempts:    3
Price Increase %:       5
MIN Purchase Price:     100
Cheat %:                10

Store ID:               201
Expertise Level:        1
Purchases for Next Lvl: 25
Basic Cost:             25
Commission %:           10
Sell Item Price %:      40
Success Rate:           20
MAX Haggle Attempts:    1
Price Increase %:       5
MIN Purchase Price:     25
Cheat %:                0

Further Instructions for the XP port

# Find out what a mysterious item really is with this script!
# You do not need to call the new menu scene!

# In your game root directory create a file called appraisals.txt
# You may include as many appraisal shops there as needed.
# That temporary TXT file should not be distributed with your game.

# Now a hero might become a wandering appraiser! Just press a button on the
# map and you will see how the menu shows up effortless.
# Keep in mind that the hero must be an active party member.

# Since version 1.1.0 any appraiser can offer collectors' requests at their
# shops. They always have a maximum number of units to be purchased and they
# can be canceled via script call as well.

# The SHOPKEEPER_PIC_DIR Constant will allow you to choose the directory
# where the shopkeepers' pictures will be located.

# * Activation Steps * #
# 1. The event's name will be used as the shop's name.
  # * For Events * #
# 2. Set the shop ID with a script call:  KAppraise.setup_shop(ShopID)
# 3. Add shopping goods as usual.
  # * For a Hero * #
# 2. Use the Hero as Appraiser Script Call (see below).
# 3. Add shopping goods as usual.

# In both cases you might need to add additional lists just in case any given
# appraiser reaches the highest level, i.e. 11 alias Master.

# * Script Call * #

# - Set or Change the Party's Appraisal Luck Rate:
# $game_party.appraisal_luck = Number
# $game_party.appraisal_luck += Number
# $game_party.appraisal_luck -= Number

# - Change the Current Shop's No. of Haggle Attempts - after Shop Setup!
# = Number

# - Change the Current Shop's Level of Expertise
# = Number between 0 through 10
# += Number
# -= Number

# - Make an Actor become an Appraiser
# actor = $game_actors[ActorID]
# actor.setup_appraiser(ShopCode, MapID, EventID)

# - Add a new Collector's Request
# Kind stands for :item or :weapon or :armor
# collector_request(Kind, ItemID, Number, Price, Increase %)

# - Remove a Collector's Request
# remove_collector_request(Kind, ItemID)

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non commercial games. Inexpensive.
Contact me if you are going commercial. Winking
Mention me in your game credits! Grinning
Do not repost it anywhere! Angry
Script Update

Script Version 1.0.0 has been released!

In the last couple of days I have been dealing with some useless code removal. At the same time I have been implementing the wandering appraiser feature letting a hero in your party become an actual appraiser! Shocked

The appraisals.txt template file has also been modified to allow further appraisal shop customization. The GUI has been slightly modified accordingly. By the way, the haggle feature is now fully operational! Grinning

Just in case you did not notice this, let me tell you that appraisers can level up as well. Happy
Maintenance Update + VX Port

My script has reached the 1.0.1 milestone already! Shocked

The XP port only received a minor bug fix that smashes a glitch that did not close the sell window even if you had pressed the Cancel button. It also included the removal of the only in game switch that you had to configure there. Honestly, there was a simple way to replace it with an internal flag so I felt the need to release the captive switch at once. Laughing

By the way, the VX port includes all of its counterpart's features already. Winking Still, I had to make a few changes on the GUI section of its code. Happy with a sweat You can take a look at that menu on the main post of this thread, guys! Grinning
New Feature + ACE Port

A new release has been published guys! Shocked

Since version 1.1.0 you can now let an appraiser cheat on a naive player whenever he or she has to identify an item. The appraiser is also allowed to receive any collectors' requests. This means that some event might tell you that somebody else is looking for n items or weapons or armors and he or she is willing to pay you even more than the usual price! Cash

Laughing + Tongue sticking out Nope, you do not have to meet the actual collector! You only need to pay the appraiser a visit and that's it! Laughing

Oh right! I have also uploaded the very first ACE port of my script including all of the brand new features. Winking
A Teeny Upgrade

It's not even really important except for the fact that it now darkens the horizontal command window options whenever any of them gets depleted after consuming all available items there.

That and the development of the KBasics script that should include methods commonly used in a few scripts of mine, including the upcoming KPostOffice XP script. I'll see if I can make KChest XP Mangostan take advantage of it as well. Confused