12-22-2021, 04:23 AM
Hello everybody,
I no longer have Qt so I'm messing with GUI building applications that are Ruby based. While I do have multiple (experimental prototype) projects in different toolkits (tk, Shoes, TGUI (SFML)), this thread will focus exclusively on FXRuby and whatever related problems I come across.
So right now I'm trying to create an expanded system for Animation effects (think RMVX Ace Database/Animations + some extra features).
The problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to dynamically set dimensions of various widgets such as FXImageView, FXButton, FX... whatever. For some reason, FXMainWindow responds to #width=, #height=, #resize(width, height) but none of the other classes seem to respond to these functions. I would like to micromanage the width and height of all the widgets (buttons, image view, etc) in this frame and ensure that they don't auto-morph. Matter of fact, I'd like the size of the window to not be mouse-adjustable either, I'd like it fixed. I'm understanding that this system does a lot of auto-formatting but sometimes I just want something to be exactly where I want it (x, y) at the exact size I want (width, height).
To install FXRuby do gem install fxruby. This is NOT an RPG Maker script, so Ruby is required to run it.
The const ANIMATION_PNG will have to be changed to something on your computer so we have a png graphic to work with.
Things I'm trying to figure out...
Here is an image of what the application currently looks like (WIP). The formatting isn't the greatest, I need to work out all the kinks to make it look prettier.
![[Image: DBAnimation.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/SsC86QRD/DBAnimation.png)
EDIT: I've updated the code in the post and (here) is a pastebin link if the formatting messes up. IRB still acts like a fool sometimes with error exceptions but I'll figure out a more robust solution later on.
I'm waiting for the "FXRuby : Create Lean and Mean GUIs With Ruby" book to arrive. Until then, I'm just messing with examples and trying to make what I need right away.
So what would usually be considered the "SE and Flash Timing" table, I was going to introduce all of the sprite effects that are already programmed into the Sprite classes, such as appear, vanish, blink, collapse, etc. I also want to trigger Damage Pop (Whole) and Damage Pop (Frac) via the sub-prompt to allow for fine tuned control of damage display. There is a lot more but needless to say this will replace (or extend) the default RPG Maker animation file system with something chunkier and meatier.
I no longer have Qt so I'm messing with GUI building applications that are Ruby based. While I do have multiple (experimental prototype) projects in different toolkits (tk, Shoes, TGUI (SFML)), this thread will focus exclusively on FXRuby and whatever related problems I come across.
So right now I'm trying to create an expanded system for Animation effects (think RMVX Ace Database/Animations + some extra features).
The problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to dynamically set dimensions of various widgets such as FXImageView, FXButton, FX... whatever. For some reason, FXMainWindow responds to #width=, #height=, #resize(width, height) but none of the other classes seem to respond to these functions. I would like to micromanage the width and height of all the widgets (buttons, image view, etc) in this frame and ensure that they don't auto-morph. Matter of fact, I'd like the size of the window to not be mouse-adjustable either, I'd like it fixed. I'm understanding that this system does a lot of auto-formatting but sometimes I just want something to be exactly where I want it (x, y) at the exact size I want (width, height).
To install FXRuby do gem install fxruby. This is NOT an RPG Maker script, so Ruby is required to run it.
The const ANIMATION_PNG will have to be changed to something on your computer so we have a png graphic to work with.
# * DBAnimations : Require/Include
require 'fox16'
include Fox
# ** DBAnimations
class DBAnimations < FXMainWindow
# * Constant Variable Declarations
APP_PNG = ''
ICON_PNG = 'C:/RMXP/Kain Nobel/Graphics/Icons/zsword.png'
ANIMATION_PNG = 'C:/RMXP/Kain Nobel/Graphics/Animations/Explosive03.png'
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :panel1
attr_reader :panel2
attr_reader :panel3
attr_reader :panel4
attr_reader :panel5
attr_reader :list
attr_reader :button_prev
attr_reader :button_next
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(app)
@app_data = app
super(app, "DB::Animations", nil, :width => 800, :height => 600)
# Set application icon
# Create data
# Create general settings panel
# Create effects panel
# Create frames panel
# Create animation viewport
# Create buttons panel
# Create frames viewport
# * Set Application Icon
def set_application_icon
# ...
# * Create data
def create_data
@icon_png = ICON_PNG
@animation_png = ANIMATION_PNG
@intTarget = FXDataTarget.new(10)
# * Create Panel 1
def create_panel1
# Create panel 1
@panel1 = FXHorizontalFrame.new(self,
# Fill in left side
# Fill in right side
# * Create Panel 1 Left
def create_panel1_left
# Create group box
group = FXGroupBox.new(@panel1, "General Settings",
# Make "Name" label
label1 = FXLabel.new(group, 'Animation Name')
# Make "Name" text field
@write_name = FXTextField.new(group, 1, :width => 240, :padLeft => 40,
:padRight => 40)
@write_name.text = 'Explosion 3'
# Make "Graphics" label
label2 = FXLabel.new(group, 'Graphics')
# Make "Graphics" text fields (x2)
@write_graphics1 = FXTextField.new(group, 1, :width => 240, :padLeft => 40,
:padRight => 40)
@write_graphics2 = FXTextField.new(group, 1, :width => 240, :padLeft => 40,
:padRight => 40)
# Make "Position" label
label3 = FXLabel.new(group, 'Position')
# Make "Position" combo box
@combo_position = FXComboBox.new(group, 1, :opts => COMBOBOX_NORMAL)
@combo_position.fillItems(['Top', 'Center', 'Bottom'])
# Make "Max Frame #" label
label4 = FXLabel.new(group, 'Max #')
# Make "Max Frame #" spinner
@spinner = FXSpinner.new(group, 5, @intTarget, FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,
@spinner.range = (1..400)
# * Create Panel 1 Right
def create_panel1_right
# Create group box
group = FXGroupBox.new(@panel1, "Effects Timing",
# Create table for effects data
@table = FXTable.new(group, nil,
# * Create Panel 2
def create_panel2
@panel2 = FXVerticalFrame.new(self,
@button01 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Change Target...', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button02 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Paste Last', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button03 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Copy Frames', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button04 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Clear Frames', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button05 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Tweening', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button06 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Cell Batch', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button07 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Entire Slide', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button08 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Play (Hit)', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button09 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Play (Miss)', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
@button10 = FXButton.new(@panel2, 'Play (Critical)', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
# * Create Panel 3
def create_panel3
# Create the first panel
@panel3 = FXVerticalFrame.new(self,
#:padLeft => 40, :padRight => 40, :padTop => 20, :padBottom => 20)
# Set panel width
@panel3.width = 240 # <-- NOTE : Width doesn't change...
# Create "PREV" button
@button_prev = FXButton.new(@panel3, '-BACK-', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
# Create Frame List
composite = FXComposite.new(@panel3, FRAME_THICK)
@list = FXList.new(@panel3, nil, 0, FRAME_THICK, :width => 240, :height => 480)
# Resize list
#@list.width = 240 # <-- NOTE : Width doesn't change...
#@list.height = 480 # <-- NOTE : Width doesn't change...
@list.resize(240, 480) # <-- NOTE : Doesn't resize
# Fill list with frames
items = []
(1..10).each do |item|
n = sprintf("%02d", item)
items << "Frame #{n}"
# Create "NEXT" button
@button_next = FXButton.new(@panel3, '-NEXT-', nil, nil, 0, BUTTON_NORMAL)
# * Create Panel 4
def create_panel4
@panel4 = FXHorizontalFrame.new(self,
# * Create Animation Viewport
def create_animation_viewport
# ...
# * Create Frames Viewport
def create_frames_viewport
# Load whole animation image
image = FXPNGImage.new(app, open(@animation_png, 'rb').read, 0, 960, 192)
image.scale(image.width / 2, image.height / 2)
# Send animation image to viewer
#@image = FXImageView.new(@panel3, image, nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 480, 96)
@image = FXImageView.new(@panel4, image,
#@image = FXImageFrame.new(@panel3, image, :opts => FRAME_SUNKEN)#, :width => 480,
#:height => 96)
@image.height = 96
# * Create
def create
# ** Main Processing
if __FILE__ == $0
FXApp.new do |app|
rescue Exception => e
Things I'm trying to figure out...
- Change the X, Y, Width and Height of different widgets to desired dimensions.
- Make FXMainWindow a fixed size. No full screen, no adjusting with mouse.
- Set a designated application icon.
- Figure out how to format the table's columns and rows for future use.
Here is an image of what the application currently looks like (WIP). The formatting isn't the greatest, I need to work out all the kinks to make it look prettier.
![[Image: DBAnimation.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/SsC86QRD/DBAnimation.png)
EDIT: I've updated the code in the post and (here) is a pastebin link if the formatting messes up. IRB still acts like a fool sometimes with error exceptions but I'll figure out a more robust solution later on.
I'm waiting for the "FXRuby : Create Lean and Mean GUIs With Ruby" book to arrive. Until then, I'm just messing with examples and trying to make what I need right away.
So what would usually be considered the "SE and Flash Timing" table, I was going to introduce all of the sprite effects that are already programmed into the Sprite classes, such as appear, vanish, blink, collapse, etc. I also want to trigger Damage Pop (Whole) and Damage Pop (Frac) via the sub-prompt to allow for fine tuned control of damage display. There is a lot more but needless to say this will replace (or extend) the default RPG Maker animation file system with something chunkier and meatier.