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Shop : Command Help
Version: 3.5
Written by Kain Nobel


This is a system which adds help messages to the Buy, Sell and Exit commands.

  • Custom "Buy" message.
  • Custom "Sell" message.
  • Custom "Exit" message.


SDK Complaint
Non-SDK Complaint


Place below Main or anything that modifies the Shop system.


System was written for RMXP, not tested in other 'Makers'.

Something tells me this should work in VX or VX Ace (non-SDK version), but I never tested that theory. If you try it and it works, PM me and I'll update the topic  Grinning

Author's Notes

To use the system, put a call script in before you call your shop.

$game_temp.shop_help_id = VALUE

The VALUE can be anything, be it a Symbol, a String, an Integer, so long as it's a proper setting within your hash.

Once the shop closes, the value should be cleared so you don't have to worry about setting it back to nil.

I might update this script one day to have a better configuration, but for now WYSIWYG.

Terms and Conditions

Free to use in commercial and non-commercial games. Credits much appreciated but optional.