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KDiurnalis XP

by Kyonides


This is a Party's Journal Script!

Tweak this script's CONSTANTS in order to customize the Journal Menu's GUI.
You can find them under the KDiurnalis module.

There are three ways to open the Journal Menu.!
$scene =

To learn more about how to use my script Editor please read the instructions embedded in it.


The demo includes examples of how you can easily add entry lines to an existing date.
It will automatically create a new date entry if the current date is different from the previous one.

The Script - Version 1.0.5


Terms & Conditions

Free as in Beer beer for non commercial games.
Contact me if you want to go commercial. (There will be an inexpensive charge for this script only.)
KDiurnalis VX and XP have arrived! Shocked

Well, yeah! I have returned to publish the VX port of my simple journal script. Winking

By the way, the ACE version of my script has been enhanced as well.
Now it features stuff like automatic substitutions of tags like \n[1] or \e[1]! Grinning
Obviously the VX port sports all of the most recent features and changes as well. Two Thumbs Up!

Later on I also managed to craft the XP version! Grinning
Rumor Bulk Update! Rumor

All ports of my simple script Editor have been updated a while ago! Shocked

Now it is possible to open the last entry of your journal by default.
Besides, you can make the date list window as invisible as a Ninja as well.
It is easy to set the initial back opacity of all menu windows.
The latest version also allows you to show either a picture or the map as a backdrop.
Two Thumbs Up! KDiurnalis XP Has Been Improved! Two Thumbs Up!

From now on the XP port has a new feature: the To Do List! Laughing

Happy with a sweat Yeah, I know. It might not sound quite interesting but Thinking somehow it could come Sculptor handy for those players that might have Oops! forgotten what they were doing Gamer in game during their previous holidays.


Open the Journal Menu

Open To Do List Menu & Go Back to Journal
Simply press the L or R button.

Add a To Do Item
Open a script command box and enter:
$game_party.add_todo("Line of Text")

Remove a To Do Item
  1. Open To Do List Menu and hit OK button to enable or disable the item(s).
  2. Select the Clear List command.
That's it, folks! Grinning