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Undoubtedly my favorite guilty pleasure is that I enjoy burgers too much. It's is the best thing since sliced bread I mean it has two of them. Not supposed to be eating them because I am supposed to be on a diet. LOL! XD

What is your favorite music genre?
No Sound XP but if i have to pick religious

What is your favorite sport ?
I've been getting into this symphonic rock thing (see my current Post-a-Videos). A combination of full orchestra with hard rocking music. Sounds really sweet.

What's your favorite (real) automobile?
And the Mach5 from Speed Racer isn't real
Ferrari :P who wouldent want one

Ok now whats is your favorite sport ?
Football/Soccer. I play every week. The sensations of running in that large field, understanding each other with my team-mates, building geometries with runs and passes and shots, cannot be described. It's freedom and coordination at the same time, it's beautiful. Like your NBA ads say: "I love this game!".

*ends football freak mode*

What is your favorite time of the day?
Night-time. Like 10pm or so. I can't help it. I'm a night owl. Just that the extended workshifts are ticking me off right now.

What's your favorite musical instrument?


Drums of course! I am a percussionist so I love drums and striking instruments. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the musical stylings of the trumpet, sax, trumbone, just to name a few. I also love guitars with all of their riffs and the widdley widdley wahhhs! I am huge on instruments in music and the music i like the most may have no words. Go band geeks!

What is your favorite way to travel?
Biking :D its so fun

What is your favorite snack (snack not food)
I'll peanut butter sandwiches count as snacks?
What is your favorite web cartoon?
RED vs BLUE!!!

What is your favorite 'standard windows' font?
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