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KNextSkills XP

by Kyonides


These scripts allow you to check out a list of a skills your heroes might learn if they keep leveling up. It won't show all of them at once. Otherwise, that could get quite frustrating Confused for Gamer players with low resistance to extreme grinding. Laughing


[Image: knextskillsxp01.jpg]


Simply download the Scripts file corresponding to your Maker version and paste it in the Data directory of a new game project. It will ask you if you want to overwrite the Scripts file. Just click OK and that's it!

In case you are using MV, you just need to download the KNextSkillsMV.js file and leave it in your game project's js/plugins directory.

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any kind of game project.
Don't forget to include my nickname in your game credits!
First Update

Nope, World War III has not begun, yet. Tongue sticking out
I just came by to announce that I have added another version of the Maker to the list, namely MV!
You don't believe me!? Confused
Then take a look at this screenshot!

[Image: knextskillsmv01.jpg]