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Ok guys, what would you prefer?
A game with a single party and no more than 3 or 4 members? - a la FF3...
A single party with members that keep changing every so often? - a la Suikoden...
Or multiple parties that will never share members with other parties?

In my case I prefer the first two options because it's a way easier to handle than multiple parties, especially if talking about multiple stories you need to come up with and all of the different reactions the NPC will have while interacting with every single party.
I agree the first two option are easier to handle.

I'm not adverse at having a rather large party as long as there's a way for the non-active members to still gain EXP. I've seen countless examples of people just sticking to a particular party configuration, leaving the rest of the playable cast collecting dust in the reject bin.
I wouldn't be against the third option, as it ran quite fine for Final Fantasy VIII. But ... something like that isn't all that easy to recreate with current systems.

But one must choose a single party style of their favor...
I like small parties from a large cast and having the unchosen party members actually DO things other then just sit around